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Old 09-11-2007, 12:38 AM
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Default Re: Ron Paul.

Originally Posted by stevenb
I'm not.

You'll notice that I've not said once that it's right. They're not my beliefs, and I'm not one to make a decision for anyone else what they should or shouldn't do.

But the fact that the rest of society will some day be tolerant and co-exist with homosexuals as if they were.. <gasp> real people.. like they are, regardless of their sexuality.

You cannot change, it's the only constant in our world.
bullshit, you are forcing me to be tolerant of *******. THATS YOUR MORALS NOT MINE DON'T FORCE THEM ON ME.

am i trying to force you to believe its wrong to be homo? NO. JUST DON'T TEACH MY KIDS ITS OK OR FORCE ME TO TOLERATE IT.

just like the disgusting queers in rome, hmm the world really recongnized homos are great moral people after that didn't they. NO THEY DIDN'T the great majority of people in the world think homosexuality is disgusting, and wrong. and it WILL NEVER CHANGE.
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Old 09-11-2007, 12:39 AM
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Default Re: Ron Paul.

This has gotten down right sickening. This kid needs an education.

Originally Posted by random-strike
who. name a person who has been or is in guantanamo bay who is an american citizen, name an american citizen who has faced a military tribunal.

jose paddilla had a civilian trail
You just don't get it do you? Bush can call you a terrorist tommorow and you're gone. Out of sight, out of mind, no trial, no lawyer, no appeals, no phone call, not even any specific charges, done.
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Old 09-11-2007, 12:41 AM
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Default Re: Ron Paul.

Originally Posted by Jorsher
Who gives a flying ---- about ****? They don't affect our children.

I've known about the existance of **** since I was learning to read at the age of 4. It doesn't make me interested in the *****, my favorite has always been some -----. Being aware of something doesn't mean that you like/agree with it. It's the same ---- as the civil rights movement. Kids were raised to dislike people of their color... Do you think that just because USA gov't said it's ok to be queer, that all the boys will start ------- people in the ***?? hell no.

Being aware of different people won't change who you are. Being FORCED to dislike a type of person (black, gay, *****) will make you change. Gov't needs to treat everyone equally and let the PEOPLE decide who they want to associate with. You are worried about kids being taught that fagism is right....uhhh what's wrong with it? If you like ------- other queers in the ***, who cares?

Making it legal to like someone won't change your beliefs. Being TOLD that you have to dislike someone because of how they are, or being taugh that it's wrong, WILL cause problems.
you are a liberal, you are not a libertarian. you are a socialist.

it is the parents job to teach their kids morality, not the governments. your views directory contradict libertarian values.

they are not simply making KINDERGARDNERS aware of something called homosexuality, they are TEACHING THEM WHAT IT IS, TEACHING THEM ITS OK, TEACHING THEM ITS MORAL.

this is wrong. this is forcing morals, THIS IS INDOCTRINATION. these kids have no ability to think for themselves on this level at that age.

you would be up in arms if someone tried to teach kids in a public school that homos were wrong, liberals would be pounding on the drums.
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Old 09-11-2007, 12:42 AM
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Default Re: Ron Paul.

Originally Posted by random-strike
you would be up in arms if someone tried to teach kids in a public school that homos were wrong, liberals would be pounding on the drums.
Because that's called discrimintation you worthless sack of ----.
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Old 09-11-2007, 12:43 AM
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Default Re: Ron Paul.

Originally Posted by AWDstylez
This has gotten down right sickening. This kid needs an education.

You just don't get it do you? Bush can call you a terrorist tommorow and you're gone. Out of sight, out of mind, no trial, no lawyer, no appeals, no phone call, not even any specific charges, done.
he obviously can't. this has never happend, and never will

you have no defense for your arguement.

you are a clown, you are the kid. i have more years in school that you're probably years of age.

you are nothing, and never will be anything. but a loser, your entire life you will be a pathetic liberal, whining about how things are unfair, that bush has ruined your life and is holding you down. wasting away until you die from a drug overdose that the cia planted in your body.

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Old 09-11-2007, 12:43 AM
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Default Re: Ron Paul.

Originally Posted by AWDstylez
Because that's called discrimintation you worthless sack of ----.

you don't believe in freedom, you are a socialist, you only believe in free speech when its yours.

you are a complete joke.

go suck hillary's dick clown
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Old 09-11-2007, 12:44 AM
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Default Re: Ron Paul.

Originally Posted by AWDstylez
This has gotten down right sickening. This kid needs an education.

You just don't get it do you? Bush can call you a terrorist tommorow and you're gone. Out of sight, out of mind, no trial, no lawyer, no appeals, no phone call, not even any specific charges, done.

That's what I've been trying to get at.. but he's not intelligent enough to pick it up.

And no, I'm not. Personally I think they're disgusting as well. I can't stand to think of what they do, but when it comes down to it.. They're not bothering me by ------- each other in the ***. They're not bothering me because they wanna suck teh ****.

Though, being an AMERICAN CITIZEN I'm upset that they cannot have the same rights as any other AMERICAN CITIZEN because of their sexual orientation. Since when did the Constitution state that "You can pursue happiness.. if you're not a **** smoker, or carpet muncher." ?
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Old 09-11-2007, 12:45 AM
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Default Re: Ron Paul.

Originally Posted by stevenb

That's what I've been trying to get at.. but he's not intelligent enough to pick it up.

And no, I'm not. Personally I think they're disgusting as well. I can't stand to think of what they do, but when it comes down to it.. They're not bothering me by ------- each other in the ***. They're not bothering me because they wanna suck teh ****.

Though, being an AMERICAN CITIZEN I'm upset that they cannot have the same rights as any other AMERICAN CITIZEN because of their sexual orientation. Since when did the Constitution state that "You can pursue happiness.. if you're not a **** smoker, or carpet muncher." ?
i am not bothered by it either.

but when they force their disgusting morals on everyone else. I AM OFFENDED. keep your butt love to yourself, don't force people to accept it, and you will be fine.

homos have the same rights as anyone else. homos cannot get married BECAUSE THATS NOT WHAT MARRIAGE IS. they have to change the definition of marriage. why do they want to change it? why don't they make up their own sick partnership?

homos have "civil unions" which afford them every single right the same as marriage as it applies to government.

they want the title marriage, to force their lifestyle as acceptable

they are doing the forcing. not hard to understand
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Old 09-11-2007, 12:46 AM
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Default Re: Ron Paul.

Originally Posted by random-strike
i am not bothered by it either.

homos have the same rights as anyone else. homos cannot get married BECAUSE THATS NOT WHAT MARRIAGE IS. they have to change the definition of marriage. why do they want to change it? why don't they make up their own sick partnership?
Why was marriage ever defined in the first place?

Because of homophobic people such as yourself.

They wouldn't need to change the definition of marriage if it were not so clearly outlined by the bible thumping group of people in charge of making laws.

And no, homos don't have the same rights as everyone else.

They do not have the right to pursue happiness as they see fit. They do not have the right to serve in our military. I think those are two key rights that they are lacking.
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Old 09-11-2007, 12:47 AM
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Default Re: Ron Paul.

Originally Posted by random-strike
you are a liberal, you are not a libertarian. you are a socialist.

it is the parents job to teach their kids morality, not the governments. your views directory contradict libertarian values.

they are not simply making KINDERGARDNERS aware of something called homosexuality, they are TEACHING THEM WHAT IT IS, TEACHING THEM ITS OK, TEACHING THEM ITS MORAL.

this is wrong. this is forcing morals, THIS IS INDOCTRINATION. these kids have no ability to think for themselves on this level at that age.

you would be up in arms if someone tried to teach kids in a public school that homos were wrong, liberals would be pounding on the drums.
random-strike, you need to look at things outside your own perspective.

So it's wrong for people to be what they are (****) but it's ok to tell people it's wrong to be a *** (forcing morals).

I've been taught a lot of ---- is ok, but do i do it since it's ok HELL ------- NO

since when does teaching someone something force them to be that way? you have issues with not accepting views that you don't believe in. I hate being around **** and try to avoid them as much as posssible, i've known about it since I was young, it doesn't change that I prefer -----.

Do you realize how much you sound like the crackers back in the slavery times saying that blacks were bad because they were different? Grow up.
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