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your being DRAFTED!...

Old 04-29-2004, 09:46 PM
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Default Re:your being DRAFTED!...

Random grow out of your hick *** and realize that this country is falling apart internally because people like you don't realize it. THanks for changing my avatar btw. I love it you ------- ***.
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Old 04-29-2004, 09:49 PM
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Random, are you even in the military researves? if you like this so much why not join and fight for hte US! its not the 1950's anymore.
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Old 04-29-2004, 10:27 PM
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Default Re:your being DRAFTED!...

Originally Posted by onyx
Random, are you even in the military researves? if you like this so much why not join and fight for hte US! its not the 1950's anymore.
im in college... playing baseball... if i dont go pro i plan on joining the marine corps as an officer and flying a A10 warthog... as long as they arent decomissioned by then

only one thing i can say to you chacko, you should listen up... when you go through life... saying... rich people this i'm so done to that... rich people taking money from me, if only the rich paid more in taxes (over 100k pay more than half of their income in taxes). you blame rich people and corporations but its only your fault where you are in life... keep blaming other people and you will still be what you are now... a recovering druggie.

there are so many reasons why we took saddam out of power... you don't think any of those other reasons have merit? Do you not understand that the first gulf war NEVER ENDED. it was a cease-fire... we reserve the right to restart the war at ANYTIME we deem right.

where were you chacko... when bill clinton, al gore, john kerry, ted kennedy, hillary clinton ext were talking about iraq. and how they possed WMDs. they said it multipal times... where were you when clinton bombed kosova with perfect timing right before he was to testify in his obstruction of justice case. where were you when clinton bomb the asprin factory in Syria that he said was a chemical weapons plant... where were you when clinton sent army rangers into somalia HALF *** with no backup... no heavy weapons, NOTHING... only to get killed for no apparent reason when we could've moped the floor with those skinny lil guys if we would've done it right...

where are your bad words for all the liberals who agreed on iraq before a republican was in office?

"I acually voted for the 87 million before i voted against it"
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Old 04-29-2004, 10:40 PM
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Default Re:your being DRAFTED!...

"Top 50% of Wage Earners Pay 96.03% of Income Taxes"

There is new data for 2001. The share of total income taxes paid by the top 1% fell to 33.89% from 37.42% in 2000. This is mainly because their income share (not just wages) fell from 20.81% to 17.53%. However, their average tax rate actually rose slightly from 27.45% to 27.50%.
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Old 04-29-2004, 10:48 PM
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Default Re:your being DRAFTED!...

Originally Posted by BlackDragon
Hey stealth give this a read and tell me what you think. I think this article can explain my reason better than i can.
I don't have a password to look at the article.

I don't think any type of news from "aol news" in one article is going to change the way I feel. I listen to republican talk radio, and I watch liberal t.v. news (they're all liberals) so I see a little of both sides and usually make up my mind about things this way. One article is far from fact.
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Old 04-30-2004, 07:45 AM
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Default Re:your being DRAFTED!...

Originally Posted by Stealthmode
...and I watch liberal t.v. news (they're all liberals)...
Did Rush tell you that...? I used to listen to him a long time ago, but he's been outed too many times for his blatant lies and I just can't take him seriously anymore...

Here's some examples from (F.A.I.R. is an acronym for Fairness & Accuracy In repoting)

Weird Science
LIMBAUGH: "It has not been proven that nicotine is addictive, the same with cigarettes causing emphysema [and other diseases]." (Radio show, 4/29/94)
REALITY: Nicotine's addictiveness has been reported in medical literature since the turn of the century. Surgeon General C. Everett Koop's 1988 report on nicotine addiction left no doubts on the subject; "Today the scientific base linking smoking to a number of chronic diseases is overwhelming, with a total of 50,000 studies from dozens of countries," states Encyclopedia Britannica's 1987 "Medical and Health Annual."

LIMBAUGH: "We closed down a whole town--Times Beach, Mo.--over the threat of dioxin. We now know there was no reason to do that. Dioxin at those levels isn't harmful." (Ought to Be, p. 163)

REALITY: "The hypothesis that low exposures [to dioxin] are entirely safe for humans is distinctly less tenable now than before," editorialized the New England Journal of Medicine after publishing a study (1/24/91) on cancer mortality and dioxin. In 1993, after Limbaugh's book was written, a study of residents in Seveso, Italy had increased cancer rates after being exposed to dioxin, The EPA's director of environmental toxicology said this study removed one of the last remaining doubts about dioxin's deadly effects (AP, 8/29/93).

LIMBAUGH: "The worst of all of this is the lie that condoms really protect against AIDS. The condom failure rate can be as high as 20 percent. Would you get on a plane -- or put your children on a plane -- if one of five passengers would be killed on the flight? Well, the statistic holds for condoms, folks." (Ought to Be, p. 135)

REALITY: A one in five AIDS risk for condom users? Not true, according to Dr. Joseph Kelaghan, who evaluates contraceptives for the National Institutes of Health. "There is substantive evidence that condoms prevent transmission if used consistently and properly," he said. He pointed to a nearly two-year study of couples in which one partner was HIV-positive. Among the 123 couples who used condoms regularly, there wasn't a single new infection (AP, 8/29/93).

LIMBAUGH: "Most Canadian physicians who are themselves in need of surgery, for example, scurry across the border to get it done right: the American way. They have found, through experience, that state medical care is too expensive, too slow and inefficient, and, most important, it doesn't provide adequate care for most people." (Told You So, p. 153)

REALITY: "Mr. Limbaugh's claim simply isn't true," says Dr. Hugh Scully, chair of the Canadian Medical Association's Council on Healing and Finance. "The vast majority of Canadians, including physicians, receive their care here in Canada. Those few Canadians who receive health care in the U.S. most often do because they have winter homes in the States--like Arizona and Florida--and have emergent health problems there." Medical care in Canada is hardly "too expensive"; it's provided free and covered by taxes.

LIMBAUGH: "If you have any doubts about the status of American health care, just compare it with that in other industrialized nations." (Told You So, p. 153)

REALITY: The United States ranks 19th in life expectancy and 20th in infant mortality among 23 industrialized nations, according to the CIA's 1993 World Fact Book. The U.S. also has the lowest health care satisfaction rate (11 percent) of the 10 largest industrialized nations (Health Affairs, vol. 9, no. 2).

LIMBAUGH: Denouncing Jeremy Rifkin of the Beyond Beef campaign as an "ecopest": "Rifkin is bent out of shape because he says the cattle consume enough grain to feed hundreds of millions of people. The reason the cattle are eating the grain is so they can be fattened and slaughtered, after which they will feed people, who need a high protein diet." (Ought To Be, p. 110)

REALITY: Sixteen pounds of grain and soy is required to produce one pound of edible food from beef (USDA Economic Research Service). As for needing a "high-protein diet," the World Health Organization and U.S. Department of Agriculture recommend that from 4.5 percent to 6 percent of daily calories come from protein. The amount of calories from protein in rice is 8 percent; in wheat it's 17 percent (USDA Handbook No. 456).

LIMBAUGH: "Do you know we have more acreage of forest land in the United States today than we did at the time the constitution was written." (Radio show, 2/18/94)

REALITY: In what are now the 50 U.S. states, there were 850 million acres of forest land in the late 1700s vs. only 730 million today (The Bum's Rush, p. 136). Limbaugh's claim also ignores the fact that much of today's forests are single-species tree farms, as opposed to natural old-growth forests which support diverse ecosystems.
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Old 04-30-2004, 09:40 PM
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Default Re:your being DRAFTED!...

So what you just said is that you believe that there at least "could have been" weapons in his arsenal. And what would you have done about it? Wether they hide them and we have to go back in 5-10 years, you just can't let stuff like that build up. "You wouldn't be suprised if the weapons showed up during the election" and "Bush just wanted to impress his Daddy" are typical meaningless comments from bitter Democrats with no power. You guys are like a broken record, just skipping back to your "one liners" at all times while not using common sense when speaking. I'm not a gung ho republican, but I have a sense of reasoning when someone wants to ---- with us.

You take him out - you clean up the mess.

You don't take him out - your a joke waiting to be attacked.

(You only get to pick one, dude.)
Irregardless the weapons wont be in the country, so our invasion only moved them to possibly worse people.

Study your history, look at Mesopotamia, look at Babylon, look at every civilization that has cradled between the rivers and the Iraqi territory. Every 120 years white men invade their land and declare some sort of leadership, eventually they just disappear and the country is refilled with a religious tyranny.

The cycle is going to repeat itself.

And under that idea, you're right just because you "think" someone is going to do something does that justify the right to act on it?

If I think that that guy sitting across the bar was going to murder me that night that I should kill him?

Mix the scenarios up and you'll see this entire thing was bullshit and as I said before the only REASON we are there is to finish what his daddy started.
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Old 04-30-2004, 09:42 PM
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Default Re:your being DRAFTED!...

Originally Posted by 90zcrex
Originally Posted by Stealthmode
Originally Posted by Chacko
Originally Posted by 90zcrex

Underage pregnancies have tripled in the passed couple of years, drug overdoses and abuses, beaten wives, murders, and other forms of crime have increased (I say its a socialogical pattern because of the increase in population).

These are all problems with individual people. Good thinking that all of these problems are of the government. These are problems with people not being responsible for themselves, and people like you not holding them responsible. After 9/11, every and all countries should be looked at. WE DO NOT WANT TO BE REACTIVE WHEN IT COMES TO TERRORISM. That's the bottom line.

No, we're not in an ideal situation, but war isn't something that you can plan from start to finish. And despite you thinking that you have some idea of whats really going on, you don't. Nobody does. Our government works best when we don't give everyone in the world our knowledge of whats really going on and what we think is happening.
Can I get an AMEN!

IF everyone in america was asked to vote in every situation such as this, we would have one hella fucked up country. People don't always know whats best for them.

Perhaps because all that information is hidden from them? You're proving my point of having ignorance in the historical aspects of Iraq and Islamic faith. Democracy means to be ruled BY the people.
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Old 04-30-2004, 09:46 PM
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In the end it all isn't going to matter looking at our country now, and its lack of active citizens to do anything and all the religious internal struggles this country is going to fall apart by probably 2080. We may be the strongest now, but we're fighting internally - we have the highest gun-shot victim rates of any country, the highest underage pregnancy, child illiteracy (look at the spelling on these boards for example) and people who work grunt jobs and pay taxes that they don't know what they're going for.

With my last statement on this useless subject, I'm going to say that if you are an American at heart than excersise your right and ------- vote this year - I don't care if its for Bush or Kerry or Nader or your neighbor but excersise your right. Stop letting _THEM_ take control over you.
And I'm not going to get into the "Them" part but believe it or not alot of us have been brainwashed by our media to think that America is the greatest country in the world - well economically its true but we have so many problems and we stick our noses everywhere.

Oh and to answer the other questions, it was to deploy at least 25,000 soldiers to North Korea to dispatch and disarm their nuculear facilities. 400 of those soldiers were from the same base that my friend came from so don't tell me I don't know ----.
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Old 04-30-2004, 09:55 PM
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Default Re:your being DRAFTED!...

chacko.... the United States is NOT a democracy. it is a representitive republic
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