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Old 09-15-2007, 12:01 PM
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Default Re: "Terrorism" predictions.

Originally Posted by n1ghtm0nkey

Okay so let's assume the government orchestrated 9/11 for a reason to go to war. Why? Why would the government like to do that?

If you can't answer this question on your own, it's no wonder you can't comprehend questionable aspects of the attacks. You're just the kind of citizen the government likes. Afraid to question anything, even if it doesn't make sense.

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Old 09-15-2007, 12:30 PM
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Default Re: "Terrorism" predictions.

Originally Posted by n1ghtm0nkey
And better yet how does planning to kill 3000+ innocent citizens happen?
Some quotes you might want to think about when asking yourself questions like that:

Originally Posted by Adolph Hitler
The great masses of the people ... will more easily fall victims to a big lie than to a small one.
The efficiency of the truly national leader consists primarily in preventing the division of the attention of a people, and always in concentrating it on a single enemy.

The size of the lie is a definite factor in causing it to be believed, for the vast masses of a nation are in the depths of their hearts more easily deceived than they are consciously and intentionally bad. The primitive simplicity of their minds renders them a more easy prey to a big lie than a small one, for they themselves often tell little lies, but would be ashamed to tell big lies.

All propaganda must be so popular and on such an intellectual level, that even the most stupid of those toward whom it is directed will understand it... Through clever and constant application of propaganda, people can be made to see paradise as hell, and also the other way around, to consider the most wretched sort of life as paradise.

How fortunate for governments that the people they administer don't think.

If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed.

The art of leadership... consists in consolidating the attention of the people against a single adversary and taking care that nothing will split up that attention.

When an opponent declares, "I will not come over to your side," I calmly say, "Your child belongs to us already... What are you? You will pass on. Your descendants, however, now stand in the new camp. In a short time they will know nothing else but this new community

Originally Posted by n1ghtm0nkey
You already got the info from people who were there and news media, the reason you're not getting any more info is because it doesn't exist.

Yes, mass media is also another reason why it's hard / impossible to hide conspiracies with billions of people across the globe watching.
In fact, mass media is the BEST way to hide the truth. It is 100% government controlled and people like you will take its word as gospel truth. What better way to cover the truth than that?

News said it went like this, it must have gone like this. /critical thinking, brain shut off in 5...4...3...2..

Originally Posted by Stealthmode
If you can't answer this question on your own, it's no wonder you can't comprehend questionable aspects of the attacks. You're just the kind of citizen the government likes. Afraid to question anything, even if it doesn't make sense.
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Old 09-15-2007, 01:29 PM
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J-SMITH69's Avatar
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Default Re: "Terrorism" predictions.

the problem with the pentagon CT is that its idiotic and the truth is obvious.

if you want to be a black helicopter wack job, you need to stick to CT that cannot be proven either way. that way you can make outrageous claims and nothing can be proven.
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Old 09-15-2007, 01:56 PM
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Default Re: "Terrorism" predictions.

I bet nigmonkey doesn't believe that the federal reserve is privately owned by large banks, who take our income taxes as interest on all the money they print out of thin air for us either.
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Old 09-15-2007, 02:47 PM
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Default Re: "Terrorism" predictions.

Really good explanation of the money system.
Yes the Fed controls a ton and even though I've been researching a little bit of this before I just finished ECON class and am astounded at the extent of their influence. FDIC banks are all subject to the Fed and must follow lock-step with policy. Fractional Reserve Banking is how they're able to accomplish what they do through the banking system.

Do you honestly think the media tells us the truth. We are cattle to be herded and controlled. I highly suggest reading and watching as much as you can about William Cooper. He was killed Nov 5th, 2001 by our own gov't and accurately predicted the 9/11 attack. If you are truly serious about finding out what's going on then research the Mystery Schools. Cooper did a whole broadcast on them -->

The media was telling us back in the 90s that Osama and Tim Mcveigh were working together and had somehow contacted each other and were coordinating. A CNN news crew was able to find him in his cave somewhere. We have America, Britain, and Israel looking for this douche and we CAN'T find his ***.
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Old 09-15-2007, 02:50 PM
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Default Re: "Terrorism" predictions.

Originally Posted by n1ghtm0nkey
First off, you didn't answer any of my questions.

Okay so let's assume the government orchestrated 9/11 for a reason to go to war. Why? Why would the government like to do that?

are you really that ignorant?? if there isnt a war then businesses that rely on sales of military equipment/supplies dont make money. why do you think there was a big stink about halliburton when we went to iraq??

And better yet how does planning to kill 3000+ innocent citizens happen? Does the president just wake up one morning and decide he wants to go to war? Your claim of the government wanting to go to war is bullshit unless you can show me something definitive that would make the cost of the war worth it.

control by fear, and refer to my first response

You already got the info from people who were there and news media, the reason you're not getting any more info is because it doesn't exist.

we arent getting more info because our government says "its a risk to national security"

Yes, mass media is also another reason why it's hard / impossible to hide conspiracies with billions of people across the globe watching.

its the easiest way to hide it, only tell the people what you want them to hear. you ever wonder why all the people interviewd that said things that contradixted the government never made ot to air other than if they were live??

Okay so if it wasn't planes that crashed there, what happened to the missing flights? And if it wasn't planes that crashed there why is there supposedly human remains inside the Pentagon?

i am not claiming any thing, you are, prove to me a plane hit the pentagon. its your claim you back it up

I don't recall the government actually saying anything about vaporizing, that was limited to this thread as far as I know, but again you dodged the question. Why do other theories need to be investigated if they have positively identified a body inside the pentagon, the body of somebody who was on that flight? Does that not beyond a shadow of a doubt prove that the plane hit the Pentagon?

Again with the vaporizing thing, you still try to dodge this one but you admit to people and parts of the plane being found...that's pretty much the nail in the coffin of your conspiracy theory.

i was merely reitterating what another member said, i stand corrected.
but since we are on the subject, why is it that the pentagon, a heavily armored facility, sustained the same amount of damage as an unprotected apartment complex? (as shown in buks pictor)

Maybe I should ask the government? No, I'm asking you guys. You guys are the experts of all that is 9/11 conspiracy, you know everything about thermal dynamics, you know everything about the physics of the crash - you're all experts so tell me where the people are if the planes didn't crash into the buildings and it was all a hoax to get us to go to war for....err....why did we go to war if it wasn't to combat terrorism?

once again refer to my first comment, and the fact that you think our government cant hide a few people is ludacris

all i am asking for is irrefutable evidence of the claims that our government makes. if someone accused me of murder wouldn't they have to present evidence to prove it?? why cant i ask the government for the same thing they ask me for??

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Old 09-15-2007, 07:06 PM
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Default Re: "Terrorism" predictions.

asked a couple big money fund managers
none of these said put contracts were actually bought....

someone is trying to save the dough they're losing by ------ing this theory so everyone shorts the same -----typical stock scam just using a little more scare w/ "terrorism"

also i suggest none of you even waste your time thinking about this ----. I'm pretty sure half of you aren't qualified to be in any of the positions that these said people are - Who made these said decisions about blowing up anything, staging attacks what have you.

let them do their job, or move......
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Old 09-15-2007, 08:34 PM
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Default Re: "Terrorism" predictions.

Originally Posted by yayopwrcrx
asked a couple big money fund managers
none of these said put contracts were actually bought....
Here's some other sources for the info.


(from above link)

Many sources are now indicating these options were called and profit made.
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Old 09-16-2007, 08:48 AM
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Default Re: "Terrorism" predictions.

Originally Posted by signorelli21
It was funny to me because I can't believe that was a serious question, ok so what does our government have to gain?

First you should realize that its not really the government but rather industry that has a controlling share in the government known as the military industrial complex, which is comprised of mainly weapons manufacturers such as lockeed martin, northrop grumman, and various other contracting companies such as blackwater, haliburton, etc.

Basically there are influential people in the government that wanted saddam out of iraq after the initial gulf war but it was always felt that the cost for such a manuveure was higher than Americans were willing to pay, Paul Wolfowitz wrote about this and said that we needed a great catastrophe to unite the country against the middle east and support regime change in iraq. Ron paul actually gave a speech in 1998 where he advised the us not to go into iraq because it would result in an endless war and be a huge cost to taxpayers.

Anyway to answer your question, what does the government actually gain? MONEY!!

Whats the first thing that happens when we go to war? we draw up a a war spending bill that outlines how much money we will need and who gets how much, and since its wartime this is never really scrutinized by congress like all other spending bills so they ( they being the people getting us into the war) get all the money and more then they want.

I mean look at all the companies making money in iraq right now and how many of them are ripping off the system, I read an article a few weeks ago where a shipping company was in trouble for fraud because they were charging the government 400,000 dollars to ship a 29 cent bolt, and they did this alot because theres a loophole in the law that automatically pays shipping on anything headed to iraq and noone really bothers to look at it.

Dick cheney has 433,333 shares of stock in a company called Halliburton which was awarded a 1.7 billion dollar open ended contract for work in Iraq without bidding against competing companies, Paul Wolfowitz was appointed head of the world bank in march of 05, and heres a nice article on the top ten worst war profiteers :

They also lost 9 billion dollars and have no idea where it went, lol. still wondering what they have to gain?
Well it looks like you were the only one that made any kind of interesting or credible argument. AWDstylez decided to quote Hitler about things that can be applied to the conspiracy theory too....if you put it out there enough and lie to people enough about it they'll start to believe it, as made obvious by this thread. Racintweek didn't really have anything new to say and Stealthmode thinks everybody should know what the government is up to already. If you knew, why wouldn't you answer my question instead of dodge it?

Anyways I still think this argument you posted is a little shaky because the war is not all profit. Even so, I think this is the only actual attempt to answer my questions which is all I asked for, not for people to try and dismiss my questions as silly and not answer them. If they're so silly, why not answer them?

Oh, and AWDstylez you never posted up your birthday, perhaps you won't be voting then?
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Old 09-16-2007, 11:37 AM
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Default Re: "Terrorism" predictions.

Originally Posted by n1ghtm0nkey
Well it looks like you were the only one that made any kind of interesting or credible argument. AWDstylez decided to quote Hitler about things that can be applied to the conspiracy theory too....if you put it out there enough and lie to people enough about it they'll start to believe it, as made obvious by this thread. Racintweek didn't really have anything new to say and Stealthmode thinks everybody should know what the government is up to already. If you knew, why wouldn't you answer my question instead of dodge it?

Anyways I still think this argument you posted is a little shaky because the war is not all profit. Even so, I think this is the only actual attempt to answer my questions which is all I asked for, not for people to try and dismiss my questions as silly and not answer them. If they're so silly, why not answer them?

Oh, and AWDstylez you never posted up your birthday, perhaps you won't be voting then?
More than one person answered your question, you failed to see it.

Let me ask you just as you asked us, what do the conpiracy theorists have to gain? Nothing. They're trying to promote free thinking and maintaining out rights. The government is the only party with MUCH to gain in all of it. In addition to the money, they gain control over ignorant people like you that believe everything they say and they can use that influence to make you do anything they want. The Patriot Act and the many other acts passed since 9/11 that destory your rights are perfect examples of this. People like you are so busy pointing figures and fighting the false fight (OMGZGZ THOSE DAMN LIBERALS) that you can't see what's happening. The things that were posted about war profit are just common knowledge and yet you're so blinded by your own bias that it took four different people telling you the same thing before you got it.

And if you think it's not hard to go into a polling place that doesn't require ID (small town) and give your neighbor's name and vote, you're on drugs.
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