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dragon 04-29-2004 02:19 PM

Re:your being DRAFTED!...

Originally Posted by Chacko
God Random you are so ------- stupid I'm sorry. I have to say it. I'm probably gonna get the big Ban for this. But you're just giving into your republican crap.

This country post WW2 was intended to bring peace around the world through non-violent means. Bush wasn't willing to negotiate with Saddam, and while I agree he was a tyrant that needed to be stomped. How many of our soldiers (how many of my friends?) have died as a result? How many innocent Iraqi's have died?

If you're so ------- proud of this ---- go enlist your self and get yourself killed. You might also like to know that your chances of committing suicide because you realize ethically that what you are doing are wrong will increase... 1:15 soldiers in Iraq commits suicide post war and these are including the ones who RETURN home.

if you get banned for stating your opinion then thats retarded :-\

Carnesd 04-29-2004 02:26 PM

Re:your being DRAFTED!...

Originally Posted by Stealthmode

Originally Posted by Chacko

Originally Posted by 90zcrex

Underage pregnancies have tripled in the passed couple of years, drug overdoses and abuses, beaten wives, murders, and other forms of crime have increased (I say its a socialogical pattern because of the increase in population).

These are all problems with individual people. Good thinking that all of these problems are of the government. These are problems with people not being responsible for themselves, and people like you not holding them responsible. After 9/11, every and all countries should be looked at. WE DO NOT WANT TO BE REACTIVE WHEN IT COMES TO TERRORISM. That's the bottom line.

No, we're not in an ideal situation, but war isn't something that you can plan from start to finish. And despite you thinking that you have some idea of whats really going on, you don't. Nobody does. Our government works best when we don't give everyone in the world our knowledge of whats really going on and what we think is happening.

Can I get an AMEN!

IF everyone in america was asked to vote in every situation such as this, we would have one hella fucked up country. People don't always know whats best for them.

dragon 04-29-2004 02:28 PM

Re:your being DRAFTED!...
one thing i keep hearing is people saying were not americans and we dont follow there ways just because we dont agree with the situation that is going on in iraq right now. Or soldiers are getting killed for no reason right now. And i agree if you feel like were fighting for something then you go over there and fight and stay there if you think its worth it. We caught saddam there is no more threat of him nuking us(even though we havn't found any nukes and im not 100% sure if he was going to anyways) and just pay for the damage we did to all those peoples home and lets just get out. Let them deal with there economy themselves. And bush is acting like a tyrant. a ------- bully just cause we are the only superpower in the world right now. After we fought in iraq he going to plan on ------- with korea now? just because the develop nuke technology? I never heard once of them trying to start ---- with anyone. Bush just wants to have america with power. There only going to fight with us if we try to push them around :-\

MikeJ-2009 04-29-2004 02:50 PM

Re:your being DRAFTED!...
BlackDragon, its a sad thing that you really think our soldiers and "your friends" are dying for no reason.
Every year in America an average of around 500 people die every year from choking on food while eating. We are in a WAR. People die in a war. But who's really dying for no reason? The people that (you don't even know die every year) or people that are dying so that you can sleep in peace at night? ::shakes head::
Even though Saddam may not have attacked us tomarrow, why would you think it's ok to just leave him alone? If Saddam had the chance to kill an American, he'd do it. You know that. So why is leaving him alone an option?

People died in the Civil War too, but I don't think your gonna sit here and tell me everyone should have been "peaceful". ::)

Our government is not always right, they are not saints, but they have shown time and time again that they are willing to sacrafice 10 of our lives, if they think it will save 100 some day.Even if it's just a guess. That's how they work, and that's a hard truth for some people, but it is an honorable way of doing things for all of us.

dragon 04-29-2004 02:54 PM

Re:your being DRAFTED!...

Originally Posted by Stealthmode
BlackDragon, its a sad thing that you really think our soldiers and "your friends" are dying for no reason.
Every year in America an average of around 500 people die every year from choking on food while eating. We are in a WAR. People die in a war. But who's really dying for no reason? The people that (you don't even know die every year) or people that are dying so that you can sleep in peace at night? ::shakes head::
Even though Saddam may not have attacked us tomarrow, why would you think it's ok to just leave him alone? If Saddam had the chance to kill an American, he'd do it. You know that. So why is leaving him alone an option?

People died in the Civil War too, but I don't think your gonna sit here and tell me everyone should have been "peaceful". ::)

Our government is not always right, they are not saints, but they have shown time and time again that they are willing to sacrafice 10 of our lives, if they think it will save 100 some day.Even if it's just a guess. That's how they work, and that's a hard truth for some people, but it is an honorable way of doing things for all of us.

stealth i never said our soldier died for no reason in the civil war. I know about us not hearing when people dying but thats still happens along with the people who are dying now in iraq so that makes it worst. I never said we should never have war and lets be peacefull. I never said leave saddam alone. I said we caught saddam and there is no point for our soldier to be over there dying right now. And we went to war to find nukes. we didn't find any ok. we stopped saddam lets leave them alone. Everyone who fought in the civl war, ww1, ww2, i believe was for a purpose. I dont think so much for whats happening now though you see what im getting at? :-\

MikeJ-2009 04-29-2004 03:03 PM

Re:your being DRAFTED!...
I see what your saying, but our country will never be able to go into a country to take out thier leader and just leave them hanging. We just can't take him out and leave. We intended to try to stabilize the area, but unfortunately it wasn't that easy, and now we're dealing with the situation that has arrised.
If we were able to just take him out, we could have sent the CIA in with a sharp shooter and done it. Then we would have been accused of leaving the people "out to dry". That's why we don't do things that way. :-\

dragon 04-29-2004 06:50 PM

Re:your being DRAFTED!...
Hey stealth give this a read and tell me what you think. I think this article can explain my reason better than i can.


J-SMITH69 04-29-2004 09:36 PM

Re:your being DRAFTED!...

Originally Posted by Chacko

No- listen to douche here its a cycle.
You're retarded dude, bushe's tax cuts only help people who are making 500k+ a year, or who have children. And for the ones with children on average its adding like $300. You're one of the many thats been brainwashed by the media about him haven't you.

my parents got a tax cut from bush... they make 75k together total. you are obviously WRONG again.

J-SMITH69 04-29-2004 09:42 PM

Re:your being DRAFTED!...

Originally Posted by Chacko

Originally Posted by 90zcrex
Ok, I don't know ---- about all of this political bullshit and whatever, but I do know that the people who are elected to run this country are elected for good reasons, and there is no way that someone like you or me will have a quarter of enough information to make a good decision on matters such as this. You think you know whats going on but you really don't know ----, no matter what somebody on the "inside" has told you, or what you hear on tv, it's not even half the story. So theres no point in arguing this ---- cause you have no real clue what's going on. Out of all of the years america has been a democracy, the people in charge have yet to let us get invaded, or turn America into an anarchism, just let the people do there jobs.

And this is precisely the problem, a democracy is supposed to be ruled by the people not a group of people. In fact this country is turning closer and closer into a socialist society. We've got our class system set up, your poor, middle and upper. Your upper classes are being treated well and the poor are suffering.

And you can't say I don't know "inside" ----, because I have military information access, thats how I know about Korea. It is also hard to discern what is a lie and what is a truth coming out of the leaders mouth but this is all turning into a rotting ---- hole.

Other problems are rising to, we shouldn't even be caring about other countries at the moment.

Underage pregnancies have tripled in the passed couple of years, drug overdoses and abuses, beaten wives, murders, and other forms of crime have increased (I say its a socialogical pattern because of the increase in population).

In 2050 our world's population is expected to hit 12.5 billion people, what are we going to do then, ethnically cleanse the world?

i bet chacko came to these conclusions while he was popin pills. typical liberal.

OnYx 04-29-2004 09:43 PM

Re:your being DRAFTED!...

Originally Posted by random-strike

Originally Posted by Chacko

Originally Posted by 90zcrex
Ok, I don't know ---- about all of this political bullshit and whatever, but I do know that the people who are elected to run this country are elected for good reasons, and there is no way that someone like you or me will have a quarter of enough information to make a good decision on matters such as this. You think you know whats going on but you really don't know ----, no matter what somebody on the "inside" has told you, or what you hear on tv, it's not even half the story. So theres no point in arguing this ---- cause you have no real clue what's going on. Out of all of the years america has been a democracy, the people in charge have yet to let us get invaded, or turn America into an anarchism, just let the people do there jobs.

And this is precisely the problem, a democracy is supposed to be ruled by the people not a group of people. In fact this country is turning closer and closer into a socialist society. We've got our class system set up, your poor, middle and upper. Your upper classes are being treated well and the poor are suffering.

And you can't say I don't know "inside" ----, because I have military information access, thats how I know about Korea. It is also hard to discern what is a lie and what is a truth coming out of the leaders mouth but this is all turning into a rotting ---- hole.

Other problems are rising to, we shouldn't even be caring about other countries at the moment.

Underage pregnancies have tripled in the passed couple of years, drug overdoses and abuses, beaten wives, murders, and other forms of crime have increased (I say its a socialogical pattern because of the increase in population).

In 2050 our world's population is expected to hit 12.5 billion people, what are we going to do then, ethnically cleanse the world?

i bet chacko came to these conclusions while he was popin pills. typical liberal.

random, you really need to grow up and quit with the gay ------- ----.. jesus

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