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buk9tp 09-01-2008 04:01 PM

Re: McCains vice president
The problem with abortion is that you're infringing on someone else's rights, not just your own. Someone that's alive as the result of choices you've made in your life that you now have a responsibility to. Cause and effect, sir.

N1ghtM0nkey 09-01-2008 04:09 PM

Re: McCains vice president

Originally Posted by jay
The problem with abortion is that you're infringing on someone else's rights, not just your own. Someone that's alive as the result of choices you've made in your life that you now have a responsibility to. Cause and effect, sir.


I don't think we'll actually see any anti-abortion laws get past congress anyways.

J-SMITH69 09-01-2008 04:14 PM

Re: McCains vice president

Originally Posted by J.H.Christ
so morning after pills are murder too? what happends when a pregnant woman falls down the stairs and loses the baby? is that involuntary manslaughter?

i don't think it's anyones business, that's all. for someone who hates government telling everybody what to do, you sure want to stick the government hand into all the wombs of the women in the US.

is it your business if i murder people? what if they are my own kids? should i be able to murder my own children? what is the difference?

if you want anarchy thats fine, i'll come kill you and take all your things.

after conception it would be murder, you're killing something that is a human and alive.

abortion is a socialist propaganda tool, the least amount of morals people have the easier it is for government to take control. if you read the communist manifesto. this is a huge part of getting people into communism. if you have no ideals and no religion its easier to get people to submit to complete government control

j3w 09-01-2008 04:37 PM

Re: McCains vice president

Originally Posted by random-strike
abortion is a socialist propaganda tool

everything you don't agree with is a socialist propaganda tool.

Originally Posted by random-strike
after conception it would be murder, you're killing something that is a human and alive.

so like i said earlier, if a pregnant woman falls down the stairs and it kills her "alive, living human", you're saying that since a fetus is alive and just as normal as you or I, she should be charged with involuntary manslaughter and prosecuted to the full extent of the law? what about the rape/incest victims? murder is murder is murder, according to you. are some kinds of murder ok?

i guess i just don't let a political party association dictate the way i think and live my life.

CspecRun 09-01-2008 04:38 PM

Re: McCains vice president

Originally Posted by random-strike
is it your business if i murder people? what if they are my own kids? should i be able to murder my own children? what is the difference?

if you want anarchy thats fine, i'll come kill you and take all your things.

after conception it would be murder, you're killing something that is a human and alive.

abortion is a socialist propaganda tool, the least amount of morals people have the easier it is for government to take control. if you read the communist manifesto. this is a huge part of getting people into communism. if you have no ideals and no religion its easier to get people to submit to complete government control

I'm sorry, but there is a flip side to that ---- and everybody knows it. Look at how many children are brought into this world now by disgusting, irresponsible examples of human beings. Anybody hear about the girl who recently put her ------' baby in the microwave AND COOKED IT!!! That particular human life might have appreciated an abortion...I understand EXACTLY the point you are trying to make Johnny, and it's a good one. But with things the way they are now, you really have to ask yourself, is it even right to ALLOW that snot nosed kid the RIGHT to bring that life into the world, if she's not gonna take care of it. Maybe abortion ISN'T the answer,but a MANDATORY adoption needs to take place, where that child can go to someone who is more mentally capable and responsible.

buk9tp 09-01-2008 04:58 PM

Re: McCains vice president

Originally Posted by CspecRun
I'm sorry, but there is a flip side to that ---- and everybody knows it. Look at how many children are brought into this world now by disgusting, irresponsible examples of human beings. Anybody hear about the girl who recently put her ------' baby in the microwave AND COOKED IT!!! That particular human life might have appreciated an abortion...I understand EXACTLY the point you are trying to make Johnny, and it's a good one. But with things the way they are now, you really have to ask yourself, is it even right to ALLOW that snot nosed kid the RIGHT to bring that life into the world, if she's not gonna take care of it. Maybe abortion ISN'T the answer,but a MANDATORY adoption needs to take place, where that child can go to someone who is more mentally capable and responsible.

Ask your self what it is that causes them to be irresponsible, disgusting examples of human beings. It's not the responsibility placed on them and removing that won't have any effect what so ever. It's the responsibility that has been removed from their lives that allows them to live in a world that conflicts with reality. The idea that someone will always be there to take care of everything you do wrong and the idea that everyone deserves love and respect and property without doing anything to earn it is created by a society that allows you to crutch your responsibilities with government and social assistance. That is what creates these unstable people who will do anything to prove their need at the expense of others and that is the type of society that lends to the idea that to be free is to be free of responsibility. Being free is not to be free from consequences. It is to be free from being bound by the people who claim their responsibilities to not be their own, but the obligations of those who are "able".

j3w 09-01-2008 05:05 PM

Re: McCains vice president

Originally Posted by jay
Ask your self what it is that causes them to be irresponsible, disgusting examples of human beings. It's not the responsibility placed on them and removing that won't have any effect what so ever. It's the responsibility that has been removed from their lives that allows them to live in a world that conflicts with reality. The idea that someone will always be there to take care of everything you do wrong and the idea that everyone deserves love and respect and property without doing anything to earn it is created by a society that allows you to crutch your responsibilities with government and social assistance. That is what creates these unstable people who will do anything to prove their need at the expense of others and that is the type of society that lends to the idea that to be free is to be free of responsibility. Being free is not to be free from consequences. It is to be free from being bound by the people who claim their responsibilities to not be their own, but the obligations of those who are "able".

again, who are you to demand how someone else should live? live life your way, leave other people alone.

it may be reprehensible, but it's not your decision.

CXyD 09-01-2008 05:07 PM

Re: McCains vice president
Bristol Palin, Sarah Palin's good looking 17 yr old daughter is pregnant check this http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/26496189
Now we know for sure she puts out.

BigD 09-01-2008 05:40 PM

Re: McCains vice president

Originally Posted by J.H.Christ

no abortions though, that would be disgusting


Originally Posted by 92CXyD
Bristol Palin, Sarah Palin's good looking 17 yr old daughter is pregnant check this http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/26496189
Now we know for sure she puts out.

Thank you for pointing that out. I'm proabortion to a certain point. I think once it reaches a certain level of development it should be illegal. If it's just taking the mourning after pill then no it isn't classified as a human being yet. It doesn't have brain activity or characteristics.

Guy-Fast 09-01-2008 05:49 PM

Re: McCains vice president

Her oldest daughter is pregnant maybe its a vrigin birth

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