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scottsi 01-27-2008 09:58 PM

Re: dumbassssssesssssssssss

Originally Posted by lkailburn

same with the license suspension thing. if your such a bad driver you get your license revoked or suspended, the government is trying to protect ME not you. you're the dangerous one who can't follow common sense. and if you do get your license removed, the government didn't say you can't work. you can ride a bike, you can walk, you can take a bus? public forms of transportation should be plentiful. or are you phsyically incapable of doing those tasks?


Your license can get revoked for anything. Failure to show up for court, failure to pay child support, theres tons of little stupid things that will make your license become suspended

J-SMITH69 01-27-2008 10:00 PM

Re: dumbassssssesssssssssss

Originally Posted by scottsi
Your license can get revoked for anything. Failure to show up for court, failure to pay child support, theres tons of little stupid things that will make your license become suspended

yeap, anyone a big fatass liberal woman in washington thinks is bad for you

lkailburn 01-27-2008 10:17 PM

Re: dumbassssssesssssssssss

Originally Posted by random-strike
yea like be scared of firearms :y

i've already made plenty of valid, undeniable points.

1. nothing will not stop anyone from using a firearm in anyway they want.
2. give an inch, and they'll take a mile. now its a 5 hour class to buy a pistol, next its registration, then its confiscation
3. all studies done on conclead carry have shown a drop in random violence, no hollywood "wild west" shootouts
4. "gun free" washington d.c. has the highest gun crime rate in the united states.

are you going to even attempt a rebuttal of these facts? or are your woman like feelings going to kick in and say ATLEAST we'll know they took a test!

If i respond to these statements are you going to respond to mine? like about how europe is such a degrading area...yet the U.S.dollar is plummeting in comparison to the Euro? or the fact that removing your license doesn't inhibate your ability to work? or that a society with NO governing body would fail to exist etc etc. all 3 damn pages of them lol

1. no. no one can control willpower. not even the god you worship. But removing or increasing gun laws will have no affect on this either. so how does it support your point? it doesn't. it simply proves people have willpower? which we already all knew. so bring something else to the table.

2. you obviously are afraid of government as much as i'm "afraid of guns" as you put it. again, i bring up the point of society. a society without any kind of guidelines is anarchy. no society can ever exist like that. so just because there is a government doesn't mean they will always chew up all your liberties. look at the constitution buddy. you love to quote from it. why don't you quote me the part about how the government exists SOLELY to serve its constituents. if the people are unhappy with the government they overthrow it and build a new one. governmental laws exist to protect its people. you can always play the well they'll take everything we have. but have they? no. how long have we had guns? have they taken a mile yet? nope.

3. show me the studies. lets see how many were done, where were they located? here's some more studies for ya:

National Academy of Science has found no evidence that shows right-to-carry laws have an impact, either way, on rates of violent crime

Child Access Prevention (CAP) laws, enacted by many states, require parents to store firearms safely, to minimize access by children to guns, while maintaining ease of access by adults.The National Bureau of Economic Research has found that CAP laws reduce non-fatal gun injuries among both children and adults by 30-40%

4. actually it doesn't. its 7th on the list. the other 6 in front of it even have varying city sizes, some smaller some larger so its not based on population either. you can play the what if game all you want but there is no way you can support your claim that "if everyone in dc was packing it would be safer". thats what i'm getting after. you have nothing to support your position that everyone should be able to just go buy a gun at the gas station with no checks, no tests, no anything.

Are we done yet?


J-SMITH69 01-27-2008 10:36 PM

Re: dumbassssssesssssssssss

Originally Posted by lkailburn
If i respond to these statements are you going to respond to mine? like about how europe is such a degrading area...yet the U.S.dollar is plummeting in comparison to the Euro? or the fact that removing your license doesn't inhibate your ability to work? or that a society with NO governing body would fail to exist etc etc. all 3 damn pages of them lol

1. no. no one can control willpower. not even the god you worship. But removing or increasing gun laws will have no affect on this either. so how does it support your point? it doesn't. it simply proves people have willpower? which we already all knew. so bring something else to the table.

2. you obviously are afraid of government as much as i'm "afraid of guns" as you put it. again, i bring up the point of society. a society without any kind of guidelines is anarchy. no society can ever exist like that. so just because there is a government doesn't mean they will always chew up all your liberties. look at the constitution buddy. you love to quote from it. why don't you quote me the part about how the government exists SOLELY to serve its constituents. if the people are unhappy with the government they overthrow it and build a new one. governmental laws exist to protect its people. you can always play the well they'll take everything we have. but have they? no. how long have we had guns? have they taken a mile yet? nope.

3. show me the studies. lets see how many were done, where were they located? here's some more studies for ya:

National Academy of Science has found no evidence that shows right-to-carry laws have an impact, either way, on rates of violent crime

Child Access Prevention (CAP) laws, enacted by many states, require parents to store firearms safely, to minimize access by children to guns, while maintaining ease of access by adults.The National Bureau of Economic Research has found that CAP laws reduce non-fatal gun injuries among both children and adults by 30-40%

4. actually it doesn't. its 7th on the list. the other 6 in front of it even have varying city sizes, some smaller some larger so its not based on population either. you can play the what if game all you want but there is no way you can support your claim that "if everyone in dc was packing it would be safer". thats what i'm getting after. you have nothing to support your position that everyone should be able to just go buy a gun at the gas station with no checks, no tests, no anything.

Are we done yet?


im not talking about NO GOVERNMENT. way to jump to ridiculous conclusions.

i'm talking about very limited federal government, and a very limited government on the state and local level also.

1. god i worship? where did that come from? this does support my point, you're only punishing people who will abide by these laws, criminals will not. why do you want to punish me for doing nothing? why do you want to restrict my rights? you admit no law will ever stop anyone from doing anything, so why do you support them?

did you know being a queer greatly increases your chances of getting AIDS? should there be have a test before you can engage in gay sex? should every aspiring homosexual take a 5 hour course on how to not get AIDS? will not that stop them? I'm sure you're not concearned with this, it would be bigoted and insensitive to make them take a class on fag sex right?

2. yes i am very afraid of the government, why shouldn't I? they steal thousands of dollars from me every month, and then use that money against me. they try to control my life, and tell me its for my own good.
we're not talking about anarchy, we're talking about limited government, you know the way this country was... and the concepts and principals that made this country the greatest and most free ever on earth.

how can you say government will not take everything we have... look at nazi germany (socialists, they also confiscated firearms). look at the soviet union...

3. search google for those studies. and even if some law did stop some kid from killing himself with his pops gun who cares? its not my problem that someone's kid shot themself. personal responsibility and accountability, it should not be societies job to make sure people do not hurt themselves. if someones kid got their dads gun and shot your kid... this is why we have a court system. that person would be held liable civilly.

4. once again, use google. studies have shown more concealed carry equals less gun violence. if you knew every single person around you was carrying a firearm, WOULD YOU TRY TO ROB SOMEONE? too bad they didn't have a masters program in common sense. right now, you can go buy a long rifle with no check or test, only money. OMG THE WORLD IS ENDING, PEOPLE ARE SNIPIN' PEOPLE IN THE STREETS! I CAN'T EVEN WALK OUTSIDE BECAUSE SO MANY PEOPLE ARE COMMITING CRIMES WITH LONG GUNS!

thinking a test or a firearm course will not stop firearms from being used in the wrong way is very naive. i can just picture someone sitting in a firearms course and coming to a realisation "ooohhh you're NOT supposed to shoot people... i get it now. :1"

lkailburn 01-27-2008 10:54 PM

Re: dumbassssssesssssssssss

Originally Posted by random-strike
im not talking about NO GOVERNMENT. way to jump to ridiculous conclusions.

i'm talking about very limited federal government, and a very limited government on the state and local level also.

1. god i worship? where did that come from? this does support my point, you're only punishing people who will abide by these laws, criminals will not. why do you want to punish me for doing nothing? why do you want to restrict my rights? you admit no law will ever stop anyone from doing anything, so why do you support them?

did you know being a queer greatly increases your chances of getting AIDS? should there be have a test before you can engage in gay sex? should every aspiring homosexual take a 5 hour course on how to not get AIDS? will not that stop them? I'm sure you're not concearned with this, it would be bigoted and insensitive to make them take a class on fag sex right?

2. yes i am very afraid of the government, why shouldn't I? they steal thousands of dollars from me every month, and then use that money against me. they try to control my life, and tell me its for my own good.
we're not talking about anarchy, we're talking about limited government, you know the way this country was... and the concepts and principals that made this country the greatest and most free ever on earth.

how can you say government will not take everything we have... look at nazi germany (socialists, they also confiscated firearms). look at the soviet union...

3. search google for those studies. and even if some law did stop some kid from killing himself with his pops gun who cares? its not my problem that someone's kid shot themself. personal responsibility and accountability, it should not be societies job to make sure people do not hurt themselves. if someones kid got their dads gun and shot your kid... this is why we have a court system. that person would be held liable civilly.

4. once again, use google. studies have shown more concealed carry equals less gun violence. if you knew every single person around you was carrying a firearm, WOULD YOU TRY TO ROB SOMEONE? too bad they didn't have a masters program in common sense. right now, you can go buy a long rifle with no check or test, only money. OMG THE WORLD IS ENDING, PEOPLE ARE SNIPIN' PEOPLE IN THE STREETS! I CAN'T EVEN WALK OUTSIDE BECAUSE SO MANY PEOPLE ARE COMMITING CRIMES WITH LONG GUNS!

thinking a test or a firearm course will not stop firearms from being used in the wrong way is very naive. i can just picture someone sitting in a firearms course and coming to a realisation "ooohhh you're NOT supposed to shoot people... i get it now. :1"

you say i jump to rediculous conclusions (no government) but you do the same thing? you say the government( being the U.S. government) will take everything they can from us "give an inch they give a mile". how long have we had guns in the u.s.? have they taken the mile yet? nope they haven't. they've only taken inches in the past hundreds of years because they do it to protect their constituents.

1. everyone has willpower no matter what. be it capitalist democratic or communism socialism. no it DOES not support your point because people have willpower. if no one carried a gun or everyone carried a gun the person can STILL choose to take out a weapon and shoot someone. if they want to do it they will. end of point

2. well we agree on one thing then? a society with no government is anarchy. but again look at OUR government. we live in the U.S. so we are talking about the U.S. government. have they taken away all your rights with guns? no. how long has it been? hundreds of years. are they really going to take "the whole mile" in your life time? nope. so you have nothing to worry about.

3. yes you can say well who cares about johnny's kid down the street who accidentally got shot. but what about when YOU get shot by johnny's kid. then what? your family will just look at you and say "meh oh well it wasn't me who got shot'. your friends will say "phew i'm glad i didn't get shot, its none of my business."

4. RE READ: National Academy of Science has found no evidence that shows right-to-carry laws have an impact, either way, on rates of violent crime


therefore..if someone wants to commit the crime, they use their willpower and do it anyways. and stop jumping to ridiculous conclusions. if ALL limitations were removed, not everyone is going to carry. infact i bet you'd only see a small increased precentage. nothing like the 90% increase you jump to.

btw, yay for actually having a rebuttal more than 2 sentances long. there is finally some depth to this conversation lol.


Dr.Boost 01-27-2008 11:04 PM

Re: dumbassssssesssssssssss
Dear Jesus,
Please make Luke shut the ---- up.
Sincerely, Justin.
Best Car Insurance | Auto Protection Today | FREE Trade-In Quote

lkailburn 01-27-2008 11:09 PM

Re: dumbassssssesssssssssss

Originally Posted by Dr.Boost
Dear Jesus,
Please make Luke shut the ---- up.
Sincerely, Justin.

[random-strike] are you repressing my freedom of speech? are you a communist?!??! [/random-srtrike]

don't be pissed at me if you guys can't hold your own in a debate. go unwind your panties :'(


J-SMITH69 01-27-2008 11:10 PM

Re: dumbascommitting sssssesssssssssss
you're wrong.

1. so why have the laws if you already admit they do nothing but restrict the rights of non criminals? yes there are still people who will try and rob or shoot me while i'm armed, but guess what. i'm armed and i can defend myself now. would you rather i stand there and take it like a metrosexual?

2. for having a masters degree in something you have a very hard time with reading comprehension. where did i say anything about 90%? they haven't been trying to take away firearms for hundreds of years, not even 100 years yet.

3. yes. nothing is perfect. this is the real world. no matter what you do, something can and will happen. i'd rather take that chance and live free than the other way around

your argument for more laws is that they having completely taken away firearms yet? that is absurd...

4. search for the University of Chicago Lott and Mustard concealed permit study.

its the most indepth study ever done.


its only common sense that someone will be less likely to commit a crime if they know a good percentage of people around them are going to kill them the instant they try something.

J-SMITH69 01-27-2008 11:12 PM

Re: dumbassssssesssssssssss

Originally Posted by lkailburn
[random-strike] are you repressing my freedom of speech? are you a communist?!??! [/random-srtrike]

don't be pissed at me if you guys can't hold your own in a debate. go unwind your panties :'(


you can't be serious. l

ike i said, we can't debate emotions, which is what your half wit masters degree in faggotry opinions are based on.

you admit laws will not stop anyone, yet you still think they are great because it makes you feel better, AT LEAST THEY TOOK A TEST BEFORE THEY SHOT AND KILLED ME!

Dr.Boost 01-27-2008 11:13 PM

Re: dumbassssssesssssssssss

Originally Posted by lkailburn
[random-strike] are you repressing my freedom of speech? are you a communist?!??! [/random-srtrike]

don't be pissed at me if you guys can't hold your own in a debate. go unwind your panties :'(


You're not worth any more of my time to reply to. I didn't even read your past 37 posts in this thread. You can kindly go ---- yourself and enjoy a life in fear of everybody and everything around you. Enjoy.
Best Car Insurance | Auto Protection Today | FREE Trade-In Quote

J-SMITH69 01-27-2008 11:18 PM

Re: dumbassssssesssssssssss

Originally Posted by Dr.Boost
You're not worth any more of my time to reply to. I didn't even read your past 37 posts in this thread. You can kindly go ---- yourself and enjoy a life in fear of everybody and everything around you. Enjoy.

no way dr boost, once a few more laws are passed that no criminal will follow (they're criminals afterall) he'll feel so much safer and will definitely stop trying to ban firearms (which is the lefts ultimate goal)

lkailburn 01-27-2008 11:24 PM

Re: dumbassssssesssssssssss

Originally Posted by random-strike
you can't be serious. l

ike i said, we can't debate emotions, which is what your half wit masters degree in faggotry opinions are based on.

you admit laws will not stop anyone, yet you still think they are great because it makes you feel better, AT LEAST THEY TOOK A TEST BEFORE THEY SHOT AND KILLED ME!

Dr. boost if you didn't read the 3 pages then why would you post in the 4th? what difference does it make to you if we are having a conversation in a single thread. if its such a waste of your time you might want to...........NOT read the thread?

haha again you refer to my masters degree with such resentment. i'm sorry if your jealous. sorry if you resent higher educated people. but i'm pretty sure there is no half wit masters degree in faggotry.. but if there was you'd Ace it :-*

laws can't stop someones will power but they can DETER a majority of people from commiting crimes. same idea as what you mention where if everyone was packing, a criminal is likely to be DETERRED. not stopped, detterred. thats the same ideal that the laws provoke. and they work. thats why there are studies just like the CAP law which reduced child accidental shootings in cases of 30-40%.

the thing with the "90%". you make supportive claims that if everyone was packing guns criminals would be deterred. but even if all gun laws were removed, not everyone would buy and carry a gun. a small percentage would that did not already. but it would NEVER be a scenario where everyone in an open public area was carrying weapons.

you stress that "if you give them an inch they will take a mile". the U.S. government HAS taken inches interms of stregthening gun control but they have never taken the mile. nor would they ever. so your fear of "give an inch take a mile" does not apply here.

really thats pretty sad that you guys can't have a conversation without mudslinging the other side with the same 5 slanders over and over. time to grow up a little bit eh guys?


lkailburn 01-27-2008 11:24 PM

Re: dumbassssssesssssssssss

Originally Posted by random-strike

no way dr boost, once a few more laws are passed that no criminal will follow (they're criminals afterall) he'll feel so much safer and will definitely stop trying to ban firearms (which is the lefts ultimate goal)

PLEASE READ MY POSTS. i do not want to ban guns.


Dr.Boost 01-27-2008 11:25 PM

Re: dumbassssssesssssssssss

Originally Posted by lkailburn
Dr. boost if you didn't read the 3 pages then why would you post in the 4th? what difference does it make to you if we are having a conversation in a single thread. if its such a waste of your time you might want to...........NOT read the thread?

Uh, isn't that what I just said? ::) Just go away, please? :-\
Best Car Insurance | Auto Protection Today | FREE Trade-In Quote

lkailburn 01-27-2008 11:28 PM

Re: dumbassssssesssssssssss
i'm going back to the tech sections of this forum lol :-* :-* to you guys


Dr.Boost 01-27-2008 11:29 PM

Re: dumbassssssesssssssssss

Originally Posted by lkailburn
:-* :-* to you guys

Ah, that explains it. I knew you were one of "those" kinda guys. :l
Best Car Insurance | Auto Protection Today | FREE Trade-In Quote

J-SMITH69 01-27-2008 11:34 PM

Re: dumbassssssesssssssssss

Originally Posted by lkailburn
Dr. boost if you didn't read the 3 pages then why would you post in the 4th? what difference does it make to you if we are having a conversation in a single thread. if its such a waste of your time you might want to...........NOT read the thread?

haha again you refer to my masters degree with such resentment. i'm sorry if your jealous. sorry if you resent higher educated people. but i'm pretty sure there is no half wit masters degree in faggotry.. but if there was you'd Ace it :-*

laws can't stop someones will power but they can DETER a majority of people from commiting crimes. same idea as what you mention where if everyone was packing, a criminal is likely to be DETERRED. not stopped, detterred. thats the same ideal that the laws provoke. and they work. thats why there are studies just like the CAP law which reduced child accidental shootings in cases of 30-40%.

the thing with the "90%". you make supportive claims that if everyone was packing guns criminals would be deterred. but even if all gun laws were removed, not everyone would buy and carry a gun. a small percentage would that did not already. but it would NEVER be a scenario where everyone in an open public area was carrying weapons.

you stress that "if you give them an inch they will take a mile". the U.S. government HAS taken inches interms of stregthening gun control but they have never taken the mile. nor would they ever. so your fear of "give an inch take a mile" does not apply here.

really thats pretty sad that you guys can't have a conversation without mudslinging the other side with the same 5 slanders over and over. time to grow up a little bit eh guys?


whats your masters in?

how does a law saying you have to wait 5 days to buy a pistol deter anyone?

how does ANY law having to do with a firearm deter anyone?

they are using these firearms to commit other crimes.

so if i'm going to go out and murder someone with a pistol, how does the 5 day waiting period deter me? how does the sunsetted brady bill law saying i can't have over 10 rounds in my clip deter me? how does a law saying my pistol have to be in a gun case deter me from doing this?

this laws are pointless, feel good things to make woman (and metrosexuals like you) feel better.

you really need to grow up, we're all so sorry you're a panty waste and scared of firearms.

go play with obama balls.

MustangC. 01-27-2008 11:48 PM

Re: dumbassssssesssssssssss
so theoretically speaking and somehow hillary wins and put a ban on guns, does that mean you just cant buy guns anymore or will you have to turn your guns you already own into the govt?

lkailburn 01-27-2008 11:49 PM

Re: dumbassssssesssssssssss

Originally Posted by Dr.Boost
Ah, that explains it. I knew you were one of "those" kinda guys. :l

haha you know i do it just to piss you off

random-strike - is it really nothing but slander,curse words and far-reached desperate attempts at painful comebacks? is that really all you have up your sleeve? you can't find it in you to have a grownup coversation? hey by the way what were we talking about europe? you never explained why the us dollar has plummeted in comparison.

undergrad was Applied Networking and Systems Administration. Masters was Information Technology. Rochester institute of Technology. Princeton review ranks it above the top 15% of schools across the nation. U.S. News & World Report: America’s Best Colleges ranks RIT among the best again for 2007.


J-SMITH69 01-27-2008 11:52 PM

Re: dumbassssssesssssssssss

Originally Posted by CoreyR
so theoretically speaking and somehow hillary wins and put a ban on guns, does that mean you just cant buy guns anymore or will you have to turn your guns you already own into the govt?

it would be political suicide for her to take that stance.

they do it slowly, one by one.

she may try to push to have the brady will reinacted, which puts mandatory waiting periods, and bans on high cap magazines and "assualt" style rifles which merely means semi-automatic

MustangC. 01-27-2008 11:55 PM

Re: dumbassssssesssssssssss
im gonna start stocking up on weapons then

J-SMITH69 01-27-2008 11:56 PM

Re: dumbassssssesssssssssss

Originally Posted by lkailburn
haha you know i do it just to piss you off

random-strike - is it really nothing but slander,curse words and far-reached desperate attempts at painful comebacks? is that really all you have up your sleeve? you can't find it in you to have a grownup coversation? hey by the way what were we talking about europe? you never explained why the us dollar has plummeted in comparison.

undergrad was Applied Networking and Systems Administration. Masters was Information Technology. Rochester institute of Technology. Princeton review ranks it above the top 15% of schools across the nation. U.S. News & World Report: America’s Best Colleges ranks RIT among the best again for 2007.


so why are you touting your masters degree in a subject totally unrelated? why do you think it qualifies you on this subject more than anyone else?

you are dodging my questions, i've already won. you have no arguement.

you admitted laws will not stop anyone. your moot point about detering crime is irrelevant, because the actual "gun law" does not deter the crime to be commited using the gun.

if someone wants to commite a murder, but can't get a gun. they'll use a knife

your only arguement is that you would feel better knowing at least someone took a course, at least there was a law, at least there is this and that. its all pointless... and for weak minded folks like yourself. to be appeased with a new law

lkailburn 01-28-2008 12:04 AM

Re: dumbassssssesssssssssss

Originally Posted by random-strike
so why are you touting your masters degree in a subject totally unrelated? why do you think it qualifies you on this subject more than anyone else?

you are dodging my questions, i've already won. you have no arguement.

you admitted laws will not stop anyone. your moot point about detering crime is irrelevant, because the actual "gun law" deters the crime to be commited using the gun.

your only arguement is that you would feel better knowing at least someone took a course, at least there was a law, at least there is this and that. its all pointless... and for weak minded folks like yourself. to be appeased with a new law

hey, thanks for trying your hardest on not tossing out slander on that last one. you sounded much more civilized than your other posts.

i wasn't touting it though? you kept asking about it.

we are really talking about multiple issues here. one is how to minimize accidental shootings. the other is how to minimize premeditated shootings. accidental shootings CAN be minimized by tests, courses etc. because the people involved weren't using their willpower to cause the event. rather it was their lack of knowledge or just plain dumbness that caused it. these types of incidents i really feel can be minimized by requiring people to take a test, and maybe like a 20 year refresher course on how to handle a weapon. not have them go to a course every year or some damn thing like that. but something to really remind those dumb people out there "hey, if you want to have weapons fine. but you better know how to secure them, properly handle them etc".

your point about if there were no gun laws, then everyone would carry a weapon and deter criminals is also invalid. if they removed all laws, not everyone would go run to the gun store and start carrying. only a small percentage would start carrying. i bet the criminal is still going to take his chances. like we said, no one can control their willpower.


lkailburn 01-28-2008 12:08 AM

Re: dumbassssssesssssssssss
random-strike : is it time to agree to disagree? this is getting kind of tiring, i'm gonna stick to the tech forums. thats why i'm on this forum. to learn, and to help others.


mike94se 01-28-2008 12:10 AM

Re: dumbassssssesssssssssss
Then why reply?

QikEnuF 01-28-2008 12:10 AM

Re: dumbassssssesssssssssss
Kain needs to save this thread...

J-SMITH69 01-28-2008 12:24 AM

Re: dumbassssssesssssssssss

Originally Posted by lkailburn
random-strike : is it time to agree to disagree? this is getting kind of tiring, i'm gonna stick to the tech forums. thats why i'm on this forum. to learn, and to help others.


no, its not.

its not your buisness, or the governments buisness if i know how to use a firearm or not. its my right as a united states citizen to keep and bear arms. wether or not i know how to "properly" use them. if you want government invading in every aspect of your life, thats fine. move to china or europe. i do not.

its like saying if someone's car runs faster than 14 sec 1/4 the have to take a bunch of tests to make sure they can handle it, you gotta pay to take the test, carry around your little card that says you can drive that car, and pay to get it renewed all the time. guess what, now i'm the guy who decides if you pass the test or not, and i hate import cars... so now i'm going to make it nearly impossible for you to pass your test, i'll find any reason under the sun. they do the same thing with concealed carry.

i never said if there was no gun laws everyone would carry a weapon, just those who feel the need to will, without restrictions. yes the restrictions are on law abiding people not criminals (criminals don't follow the law)

i already posted the most in depth study ever done, showing a decrease in violence with the shall issues concealed carry laws. you never mention it...

Smith-02 01-28-2008 12:32 AM

Re: dumbassssssesssssssssss
no rights are 100% written in stone, welcome to the legal system

QikEnuF 01-28-2008 12:38 AM

Re: dumbassssssesssssssssss

Originally Posted by c0mpl3x
no rights are 100% written in stone, welcome to the legal system

Wrong, the right to sue is always in style.. Least in America

lkailburn 01-28-2008 12:39 AM

Re: dumbassssssesssssssssss

Originally Posted by random-strike
no, its not.

its not your buisness, or the governments buisness if i know how to use a firearm or not. its my right as a united states citizen to keep and bear arms. wether or not i know how to "properly" use them. if you want government invading in every aspect of your life, thats fine. move to china or europe. i do not.

no i don't want them invading every aspect of my life. stop jumping to radical conclusions (your damn words you hypocrit)

its like saying if someone's car runs faster than 14 sec 1/4 the have to take a bunch of tests to make sure they can handle it, you gotta pay to take the test, carry around your little card that says you can drive that car, and pay to get it renewed all the time. guess what, now i'm the guy who decides if you pass the test or not, and i hate import cars... so now i'm going to make it nearly impossible for you to pass your test, i'll find any reason under the sun. they do the same thing with concealed carry.

do you ever go to a drag strip?
"Any car that runs an 8.49 and quicker requires that the driver wear a helmet.
Any car that runs a 7.49 and quicker must have a minimum 4 point roll bar and a fire jacket.
Any car that runs a 6.39 and quicker requires the driver to wear fire pants and jacket
here read this list of rules:
they make rules for a reason man. to keep them safe? no. to keep you safe. omg caring for others those damn socialists. :S

i don't think you should have to pay for the test btw. if they have tests i don't think you should pay. you're already paying for the gun.

i never said if there was no gun laws everyone would carry a weapon, just those who feel the need to will, without restrictions. yes the restrictions are on law abiding people not criminals (criminals don't follow the law)

Yes... you did. you kept stating that criminals would be deterred because EVERYONE WOULD HAVE A GUN.

i already posted the most in depth study ever done, showing a decrease in violence with the shall issues concealed carry laws. you never mention it...

you keep avoiding the studies i posted above? whats the deal? you avoided the fact that there are two topics we are discussing: accidental and premeditated. you avoided the point i brought about accidental shootings. you avoided the dollar vs euro conversion when you kept bashing europe and saying how it was degrading


J-SMITH69 01-28-2008 12:53 AM

Re: dumbassssssesssssssssss

you keep saying you don't want them invading all aspects of your life... you only want them to invade for firearms? do you think once they do that they will stop? they are invading, in all aspects. as we speak right now.

the race track is private property, they can apply any rules they want, if they want NHRA rules. its up to them

if i wanted to a build a 6 sec dragster and my own track i could run it there anytime i want.

this is completely different than the government forcing me to take a test to buy something. the government does not force people to follow NHRA rules to race a car.

the test will always cost money, because it costs government a ton of money to do anything. and they don't do it for free obviously ::)

i said IF everyone had a gun they would be detered and this is true

you didn't post any links to any studies.

dollar v euro conversion is not the only thing.

i believe the GDP for the US is 13.65 trillion. the gdp of germany is 2.5 trillion for comparison

gdp per capita in the US is about 48k
the EU it is aprox 28k

the gdp of the entire EU is 16 trillion, with 500million people
the gdp of the US is 13.65 trillion with 280million people

if you love the european model, move there and be a poor socialist if you want to. leave the US alone

lkailburn 01-28-2008 10:14 AM

Re: dumbassssssesssssssssss
oh boy. day 2 of the saga begins. *sigh

Originally Posted by random-strike

you keep saying you don't want them invading all aspects of your life... you only want them to invade for firearms? do you think once they do that they will stop? they are invading, in all aspects. as we speak right now.

you sir yourself you don't want a society with NO government. therefore even in your hypothetical scenario, your government exists with SOME controls. so you want them controlling some aspects of your life but not others? you sir are a hypocrit :-P you can't accuse me of being indecisive if i want the government to "control some things and not all" if you want the exact same thing.

the race track is private property, they can apply any rules they want, if they want NHRA rules. its up to them. if i wanted to a build a 6 sec dragster and my own track i could run it there anytime i want. this is completely different than the government forcing me to take a test to buy something. the government does not force people to follow NHRA rules to race a car.

yes you are right. private is different than public property. but it falls in line with your "omg ppl are trying to control my freedoms" rant that you went on earlier. so again, you are ok with some restrictions but not others correct?

the test will always cost money, because it costs government a ton of money to do anything. and they don't do it for free obviously ::)

i said IF everyone had a gun they would be detered and this is true

true. but that scenario will never exist in this society. so playing the what if game does no good. i could say "well, if no gun ever existed...that would deter a criminal from shooting me..lol because there wouldn't be any guns" and again for the record i don't want all guns to be destroyed. i don't even want them banned.

you didn't post any links to any studies.

use google and you'll find the links

dollar v euro conversion is not the only thing.

i believe the GDP for the US is 13.65 trillion. the gdp of germany is 2.5 trillion for comparison
gdp per capita in the US is about 48k
the EU it is aprox 28k
the gdp of the entire EU is 16 trillion, with 500million people
the gdp of the US is 13.65 trillion with 280million people
if you love the european model, move there and be a poor socialist if you want to. leave the US alone

hey you did some research hooray! so what are you trying to prove here? a correlation between size and GDP?

European Union 14,609,836
United States 13,194,700

uh oh, EU has a higher GDP.

EU population is 490mil, US is 303mil

the CIA ranks the US 7th in the gpd per capita in terms of buying value.

so what's your stance on the falling value of the dollar? our terrible economy :-)

"NEW YORK (MarketWatch) -- The dollar extended its slide Wednesday, hitting a 26-year low against the British pound and approaching an all-time low against the euro"

I don't think i'd be so poor in either place if they're doing so well

BTW, if you can't agree to disagree, are you trying to impose your beliefs on me? are you trying to restrict my right to freedom? obviously we are never going to agree. so agree to disagree


J-SMITH69 01-28-2008 01:42 PM

Re: dumbassssssesssssssssss
keep grasping at straws luke. who the ---- locked this thread?

visit www.lp.org if you want to learn more about the kind of government i want.

you are ignorant about politics and it really shows.

the EU has twice as many people and the same GPD.

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