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jinxy 05-02-2006 02:25 PM

Re: This is the last straw

Originally Posted by Jamclaur
I'm talking thread specific.

It was thread specific, and it was a joke referncing the style of rebuttal used in a previous thread. :S

Jamclaur 05-02-2006 02:26 PM

Re: This is the last straw

Originally Posted by rawr
It was thread specific, and it was a joke referncing the style of rebuttal used in a previous thread. :S

Well while I disagree that all hispanic cars look the same.

I suppose it was close enough.

Oscar 05-02-2006 02:26 PM

Re: This is the last straw

Originally Posted by 6MTV6
I've stayed out of this topic until now. You're an idiot.

Indians didn't believe in land ownership. Our forefathers took advantage in order to start a new country. They didn't like it, and we went to war. Who won? We did. We stayed. That's what happens when you win, you get to keep the ---- you won. Dickweed.

And as far as your slavery statement, yes black people from tribes in Africa would perform raids on rival tribes then sell all the men that were still alive into slavery. Idiot. It was pretty rampant.

And JDMcord, you're also a stupid wetback that should be in Mexico if it's so bad here. It's not about human rights it's about illegal immigrant rights. If you don't pay taxes(sales tax doesn't count), and you're not a citizen, you don't have rights here. Period. I don't have any rights in Mexico, why should they have them here.

And as for the tax comment, if illegals weren't undercutting the American worker for wages, they might make more than $15K/year, and would have to pay taxes instead of getting a full return every year. Your mom, that 'loses' so much to taxes is porbably in a job that requires no formal education. That means there are illegals vying for the same positions; and getting them because they will work for less. They will work for less because they don't pay taxes.

Is this logic lost on you tards?

D16for life is dead on.

P.S. My mother-in-law had a work VISA for 16 years before she got her citizenship, and she's British. So ---- your 7 years. Boo- -------hoo.

you're a dumbass. when did I ever say it was bad here? when was I complaining about how I hate it here? I'm just saying how it is. I was ------- born here, so i'll stay here and reek all the benefits that come with being born here, thanks mucho.

so you're saying you KNOW its not about human rights? are you the one rallying? or have u just watched and done your research? ------ please. It is about human rights. First we need to do everything possible so this bill wont pass. then we will deal with immigration rights. which I know, that if you are here illegaly, you have no rghts. HAVE YOU NOT ------- READ WHAT I SAID YOU DUMB BITCH?

when you go to mexico, you dont have to worry about everyone, even cops wanting to send you back asap. you dont have to worry about getting shot. the only thing you have to worry about is gettin mugged, but that happens everywhere.

HMTguy 05-02-2006 02:27 PM

Re: This is the last straw
Holy nutsack sugar, this thread almost contends with the reply quickness of the original Delacruz post :o

Oscar 05-02-2006 02:27 PM

Re: This is the last straw

Originally Posted by Jamclaur
Well while I disagree that all hispanic cars look the same.

I suppose it was close enough.

all hispanic cars do look the same. theyre all riced out.

J-SMITH69 05-02-2006 02:27 PM

Re: This is the last straw
Jamclaur obviously has no clue about the world around him.

he is mad tyte is the ghetto daTsZ aLLl He BeZ NowIn'

yo sucker you come to the rich ass white town of everett, wa and say that beaner ---- mang, we'll string you up like old times. Id like to see that

doesnt he just personifiy everyones arguements when he says come to the ghetto and say that, us illegal aliens will shoot your ass!!!! lol

jinxy 05-02-2006 02:28 PM

Re: This is the last straw
The bottom line is, If you were poor in america, and america was a shitty country. Lets say canada was an awesome country. Would you personaly break canadas law and sneak into their country and work illegal and undercut the wages that normal canadians would be making? I wouldn't. Thats extreamly disrespectfull and rude.

Jamclaur 05-02-2006 02:30 PM

Re: This is the last straw

Originally Posted by random-strike
Jamclaur obviously has no clue about the world around him.

he is mad tyte is the ghetto daTsZ aLLl He BeZ NowIn'

yo sucker you come to the rich ass white town of everett, wa and say that beaner ---- mang, we'll string you up like old times. Id like to see that

doesnt he just personifiy everyones arguements when he says come to the ghetto and say that, us illegal aliens will shoot your ass!!!! lol

I never said illegal immigrants would shoot anyone ---- bag, don't put words in my mouth.

And I know more about the world that you seems to know. Get your daddy's cum out of your eye and maybe you can see more than white.

6MTV6 05-02-2006 02:33 PM

Re: This is the last straw

Originally Posted by Jamclaur
First of all you ------- ignorant piece of ----. I agreed that Africans sold Africans into slavery, but I stated that not all were sold. Secondly I followed that up with a statement about how we built the US on their pain.

As for taking the land from the Native Americans, not Indians (wrong continant ---- bag-if you want to get that specific about history) That proves nothing except that the white race is filled with ----. ---- like you!

Are you actually arguing semantics because I wasn't PC and say Native Americans? Wow.
If you don't like how the country was founded 'white-boy', go back to whatever country your immigrant family came from and leave my country alone. I may have roots from other countries, but I'm American. You're a punk bitch that should get his ass beat for the treasonous rhetoric you spout off.

Oscar 05-02-2006 02:37 PM

Re: This is the last straw

Originally Posted by rawr
The bottom line is, If you were poor in america, and america was a shitty country. Lets say canada was an awesome country. Would you personaly break canadas law and sneak into their country and work illegal and undercut the wages that normal canadians would be making? I wouldn't. Thats extreamly disrespectfull and rude.

ha, you say that only because you dont know how it is. If you were dying, if your WHOLE family and friends were dying, would u not try to do something? In mexico, there is no such thing as welfare.

Lets say america was a ---- hole like mexico and say canada was america. lets say you applied MONTHS ago for a ------- work permit, even gave all the money you had just to get it and you STILL havent go it. Your mom is about to die, and you cant do ---- about it, legally that is. Now you're only choice is to cross illegally and make some quick cash. it doesnt matter what you do, just make it quick and then go back so u can save your mom.

thats usually the case of most mexicans.

i'm not gona lie, there are a lot of those scum bags that come here to sell drugs and just make us look bad. I already said it, I think they should get shot in the head, twice, then hotrex should ear rape them

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