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ososlohatch 05-10-2008 12:12 AM

Re: just ran from the cops, AND GOT CAUGHT!!!!

Originally Posted by signorelli21
Long story short, i drank like 7 beers and decided that i needed to drive my turbo civic to go get um a newspaper right.

Well (sorry still drunk nowas this just ------- happened) i was behind this stupid ass saturn and next to some big truck ight, so i downshifted and punched it and jammed between both of them going about 70 (in a 35) i looked left and god damn a cop was RIGHT there, and sure enough he flipped on his lights and started to swing around. I was like "---- it" and floored it and got it up to 90 (in a 35) and tore ass sideways down my street (its right turn, then anouther hard right) then as i turned down the street i decided that this fucker was going to get me after i stop in my driveway so i just pulled over and gave up, take in mind that the whole time he is chasing me with sirens and lights flashing and there was anouther cop coming from the oposite direction.

So i'm like ----, i'm going to prison, i'm fucked god damnidt, ----!!, then the cop comes out of the car( his goddamn siren is still on) and i think i'm going to get shot ( he had his gun out, lol) and he is like WTF? did you see me? what the hell are you trying to do? " i said um, i did not see you" then bla bla he got my license and all that ----, meanwhile the other cop stood next to my car asking me a bout my car and why i was running and bla bla. anyway ( oh yea did i menation i was ------- drunk as hell this whole time?) they gave me two tickets for no insurance and expired tags AND THEY
------- LET ME GO!!!!!!! OMG!!!!

then i get to my house stilll in disbelief from what just happened, i go and take a piss right. as i am in the bathroom someone knocks on the front door. guess who? the goddamn cop that just pulled me over, he had my drivers license which i had forgot to get back from him, i said " Man I REALLY appreciate thise, you have no idea....." he shook my ------- hand and said " hey man, I have been there before, its just a couple little tickets and a small fine, have a good day :)

He also said that i made his day by running away, if it would have been anyone else though they would have ripped me out of the car and beat my ass.

jesus christ that just happened :S

its nice to know that i go to jail for 60 days for driving a ------- mercury sable the speed limit but since i dont have a license.. i go to jaill ... and this hand job put a ---- load of peoples lives at risk and thinks its ------- halarious .. im about to get you ip and send it to your local police station and send them this link.. i hope the next time you run ( in your car that is slow as ---- ... obviously since they caught you in 16 second cars and you said you were going sideways like tokyo drifter) they ------- shoot you in the face with a shot gun for thinkin its cool to drink and drive so your slow ass piece of ---- cars feels faster ... ni99er

Atticus 05-10-2008 12:56 AM

Re: just ran from the cops, AND GOT CAUGHT!!!!
every one is quick to judge
honestly how many of you have never drank and drove (any amount)

but you my friend are stupid. jumping in your car when your that drunk with no insurance just to go for a rip...
luckily you didn't kill any one or worse handy capped them.

EG-prince 05-10-2008 01:24 AM

Re: just ran from the cops, AND GOT CAUGHT!!!!

Originally Posted by crodriguez

newb, this post was 2 months old. I hope your eye becomes the victim of a penile stabbing

igotnothin 05-10-2008 01:42 AM

Re: just ran from the cops, AND GOT CAUGHT!!!!

Originally Posted by ghettoturbo
lol at least you werent drunk enough to say "wanna bet?"


signorelli21 05-10-2008 01:27 PM

Re: just ran from the cops, AND GOT CAUGHT!!!!
while i appreciate the warm replies, the point of this wasn't to brag but to just point out that it happened and i was suprised ( although posting it on the web goes to show you how alcohol impairs decision making skills) anyhow I did learn my lesson and don't drink anymore because i obviously can't control myself. and ososlo you can kiss my ass, how many "my brothers in jail again" threads are there on this site now? :S

BigD 05-10-2008 06:48 PM

Re: just ran from the cops, AND GOT CAUGHT!!!!

..../your life

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