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J-SMITH69 05-05-2006 02:22 PM

Re: Colbert rips bush at BIG dinner

Meanwhile, private and parochial schools continue to do what they have always done: teach students successfully. Studies show that parochial schools spend less than half of what the public schools spend on educating students, and yet, despite the NEA’s claims, the schools actually do more with less. According to a study conducted in three New York boroughs by Paul Peterson and Herbert Walberg, per pupil costs in public schools in Manhattan, the Bronx, and Brooklyn are an average of $5,124. The parochial schools in those same boroughs spend approximately 53.2% less, $2,399 on average per student. And yet, this same study found that, on average, private school students scored 7.3% better on standardized reading tests than did their public school counterparts.

shadetree 05-05-2006 02:48 PM

Re: Colbert rips bush at BIG dinner
Dude, those "facts" come from the Cato institute and the Heartland institute....both neo-conservative groups whose stated mission is privatization of all services. You don't think those numbers are cooked a little bit towards their goals? Just like you don't accept cut and pastes from extreme left groups, I take that with a HUGE grain of salt. Try to find some numbers from a source that doesn't have an agenda.

6MTV6 05-05-2006 02:58 PM

Re: Colbert rips bush at BIG dinner

Originally Posted by shadetree
Dude, those "facts" come from the Cato institute and the Heartland institute....both neo-conservative groups whose stated mission is privatization of all services. You don't think those numbers are cooked a little bit towards their goals? Just like you don't accept cut and pastes from extreme left groups, I take that with a HUGE grain of salt. Try to find some numbers from a source that doesn't have an agenda.

Why even bother? He lives in some little backwoods town beteen Portland and Longview, Oregon. The population is around 15000 people. This guy knows nothing of the world outside his. You're just wasting your breath. Period.

shadetree 05-05-2006 03:03 PM

Re: Colbert rips bush at BIG dinner

Originally Posted by random-strike
facts? where are they?

did anyone know there was anything wrong with enron at the time? no...?

"California's attempt to deregulate energy markets became a disaster for consumers when companies like Enron manipulated the West Cost power market and even shut down plants so they could drive up prices."

Click on "Enron scammers caught on tape"

95RedEX 05-05-2006 04:24 PM

Re: Colbert rips bush at BIG dinner

Originally Posted by shadetree
"California's attempt to deregulate energy markets became a disaster for consumers when companies like Enron manipulated the West Cost power market and even shut down plants so they could drive up prices."

Click on "Enron scammers caught on tape"

Oh. My. God. Don't you know mainstream media is a socialist program run by liberals & progressives hell bent on taking over the world? ha ha ha... Thanks for posting a useful link.

He's full of ---- and excuses anyway, and takes no responsibility for himself. Feel free to answer my discrimination question... Can you control yourself?

J-SMITH69 05-05-2006 04:32 PM

Re: Colbert rips bush at BIG dinner

Originally Posted by 6MTV6
Why even bother? He lives in some little backwoods town beteen Portland and Longview, Oregon. The population is around 15000 people. This guy knows nothing of the world outside his. You're just wasting your breath. Period.

i live in washington now ::)

i write apps for multimillion dollar companies. what do you do ::)

95RedEX 05-05-2006 04:33 PM

Re: Colbert rips bush at BIG dinner
By the way, I was thinking last night about the PC movement. You (and when I say you, I mean Random & Stealth & all the other racist shits on this board), you actually perpetuate a stronger movement by continuing to discriminate against people. Have you guys ever really thought about that?

PC is meant to level the playing field for people of color, disabled, etc. By acting like -----tards, you actually incite a harder push for equality. The only reason I can gather as to why you guys would be against politcal correctness is because, as white males, you've had an easier time in life because you're "men" and you're white. Political correctness actually puts that obvious advantage in danger. Putting people down is your way of staying on top... Can't compete on a real level, based on skill or intelect or talent...

J-SMITH69 05-05-2006 04:34 PM

Re: Colbert rips bush at BIG dinner

Originally Posted by shadetree
"California's attempt to deregulate energy markets became a disaster for consumers when companies like Enron manipulated the West Cost power market and even shut down plants so they could drive up prices."

Click on "Enron scammers caught on tape"

we'll see how the lay trail folds out.

think about it, the government is a enron times a milliion. the government fucks up, charges too much, produces a shitty prodcut, etc... NOTHING HAPPENS.

the government can't go out of buisness!!! enron or any other company does ---- like this, they go out of buisness, they go to jail...

nothing happens when the gov ---- you over, they can never go out of buisness.

the government is NOT THE ANSWER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

J-SMITH69 05-05-2006 04:35 PM

Re: Colbert rips bush at BIG dinner

Originally Posted by 95RedEX
By the way, I was thinking last night about the PC movement. You (and when I say you, I mean Random & Stealth & all the other racist shits on this board), you actually perpetuate a stronger movement by continuing to discriminate against people. Have you guys ever really thought about that?

PC is meant to level the playing field for people of color, disabled, etc. By acting like -----tards, you actually incite a harder push for equality. The only reason I can gather as to why you guys would be against politcal correctness is because, as white males, you've had an easier time in life because you're "men" and you're white. Political correctness actually puts that obvious advantage in danger. Putting people down is your way of staying on top... Can't compete on a real level, based on skill or intelect or talent...

everyone has equality in the united states right now.

NO ONE will ever control what i think.

i love how socialist liberals talk about free speech, freedom of expression, freedom of thought... (only if its their way)

shadetree 05-05-2006 05:26 PM

Re: Colbert rips bush at BIG dinner

Originally Posted by random-strike
think about it, the government is a enron times a milliion. the government fucks up, charges too much, produces a shitty prodcut, etc... NOTHING HAPPENS.

the government can't go out of buisness!!! enron or any other company does ---- like this, they go out of buisness, they go to jail...

nothing happens when the gov ---- you over, they can never go out of buisness.

The government is not "in business". Their goal is not to make a profit.

Their goal is to protect and provide services for the public. To make our country safe, and provide all citizens the oppurtunity for success. Gov't provides services that CANNOT be provided by the market...protection military and police, trade corridors, electricity, water, waste disposal, education system for all, social safety net. These are services that over the last 100 years, the American people have decided are too vital to our way of life to less businesses skim profit off of. Obviously there are some corrupt individuals and inefficiencies, the system is far from perfect, but eliminating it is not the answer.

If the Gov't fucks up, the people elect new reps. Local school system in the shitter? School superintendent gets the boot. The voter holds gov't accountable. Unfortunately, that only works well when people are informed and vote.

Really, read up on life in the U.S. in late 19th early 20th century. We have already done the unfettered capitalism, free market thing. It worked gangbusters for the Rockefellers and the Vanderbilts. Not so hot for the other 99.9999% of Americans.

As far as the Lay trial, they are more concerned about the insider trading fraud. Several energy traders, Enron employees have already gone to trial and have been found guilty.
"I did it because I was trying to maximize profit for Enron," Belden told U.S. District Judge Martin Jenkins.

J-SMITH69 05-05-2006 06:28 PM

Re: Colbert rips bush at BIG dinner

Originally Posted by shadetree
The government is not "in business". Their goal is not to make a profit.

Their goal is to protect and provide services for the public. To make our country safe, and provide all citizens the oppurtunity for success. Gov't provides services that CANNOT be provided by the market...protection military and police, trade corridors, electricity, water, waste disposal, education system for all, social safety net. These are services that over the last 100 years, the American people have decided are too vital to our way of life to less businesses skim profit off of. Obviously there are some corrupt individuals and inefficiencies, the system is far from perfect, but eliminating it is not the answer.

If the Gov't fucks up, the people elect new reps. Local school system in the shitter? School superintendent gets the boot. The voter holds gov't accountable. Unfortunately, that only works well when people are informed and vote.

Really, read up on life in the U.S. in late 19th early 20th century. We have already done the unfettered capitalism, free market thing. It worked gangbusters for the Rockefellers and the Vanderbilts. Not so hot for the other 99.9999% of Americans.

As far as the Lay trial, they are more concerned about the insider trading fraud. Several energy traders, Enron employees have already gone to trial and have been found guilty.
"I did it because I was trying to maximize profit for Enron," Belden told U.S. District Judge Martin Jenkins.

maximizing profit!!! what a concept ::)

i think the way things were in the early 20th century were more to do with corrupt individuals and government rather than "free market"

more government is not the answer.

electing new reps obviously does very little, because nothing has changed! it just keeps getting worse and costing more. good buisness practice!

and the government IS IN IT TO MAKE MONEY!

they want your money more than any private buisness in the world! and they have the means to TAKE IT FROM YOU!

MikeJ-2009 05-05-2006 10:21 PM

Re: Colbert rips bush at BIG dinner

Originally Posted by shadetree
The government is not "in business". Their goal is not to make a profit.

Their goal is to protect and provide services for the public.

(By filling their pockets with money and offering substandard services to people who don't deserve them.) Our government is the BIGGEST business in the world. If you can't figure out how, than you're a moron.

Originally Posted by 95RedEX
By the way, I was thinking last night about the PC movement. You (and when I say you, I mean Random & Stealth & all the other racist shits on this board), you actually perpetuate a stronger movement by continuing to discriminate against people. Have you guys ever really thought about that?

Racist is the answer when you don't have an answer. You forgot to use the word ignorant though (they love that word). You don't have a fucken clue. There's two choices in life. Being politically correct, or being right. Bring up any instance that you would rather be politically correct, and I'll make you look like an idiot.

"Hey guys, let the government run everything, because in the early 1900's :S the railroads didn't work, and I can name one corrupt company out of 23083048203840238 that offer services to the public. If we only have one choice, we're never gonna get screwed and nobody is going to take advantage of us. :S :S :S I trust the government more than I trust myself to provide my retirement also."

Stealthmode Performance is now the worlds only supplier of oil line kits. They are $250, and nobody else can offer them. Don't attempt to find anyone else to buy from, because they're bound to shop at Walmart and screw you.

MikeJ-2009 05-05-2006 10:40 PM

Re: Colbert rips bush at BIG dinner
Michael Savage owns every last one of you. You make me sick.

J-SMITH69 05-05-2006 10:46 PM

Re: Colbert rips bush at BIG dinner

Originally Posted by Stealthmode
Michael Savage owns every last one of you. You make me sick.

i own savage

MikeJ-2009 05-05-2006 10:52 PM

Re: Colbert rips bush at BIG dinner
"You're a clown I tell ya. Just bow down, pal". [/savage]

J-SMITH69 05-05-2006 11:04 PM

Re: Colbert rips bush at BIG dinner

Originally Posted by Stealthmode
"You're a clown I tell ya. Just bow down, pal". [/savage]

he is a little obnoxious for me. 8)

MikeJ-2009 05-05-2006 11:22 PM

Re: Colbert rips bush at BIG dinner
An immigrant shows up in America and he can't believe how great it is. He walks up to a guy and says,
"I love America. Thank you for letting me come here and take advantage of everything America has to offer"
The guy responds, "Don't thank me. I'm from Pakistan".

So he goes up to a woman and says, "thank you for allowing me into your country, to enjoy free healthcare and government programs".
The lady gives a confused look and says, "I'm from Germany".

The guy is confused, but finally finds a guy he's sure is an American. He walks up and says, "Thank you for letting me come to America and enjoy all the great things the government has to offer."
The guy looks at the immigrant and says, "I'm not American, I'm from Canada."
The immigrant asks "Well, where's all the Americans."
The Canadian says "probably at work". [/savage ownage]

J-SMITH69 05-06-2006 02:33 AM

Re: Colbert rips bush at BIG dinner

thats good

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