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MikeJ-2009 09-15-2007 02:16 AM

Re: "Terrorism" predictions.
If Special Agent Jonny isn't too overwhelmed, I'd like to hear your reasoning for all these people hearing explosions at the base of the twin towers. No, this isn't days later during an interview, this is real time, multiple people saying the same ----.


I'm not naive enough to not ask questions.

Jorsher 09-15-2007 02:18 AM

Re: "Terrorism" predictions.

Originally Posted by Stealthmode
If Special Agent Jonny isn't too overwhelmed, I'd like to hear your reasoning for all these people hearing explosions at the base of the twin towers. No, this isn't days later during an interview, this is real time, multiple people saying the same ----.


I'm not naive enough to not ask questions.

Curious as well. I'm not a conspiracy theorists, but I tend to question different possibilities. I thought it was interesting the twin towers were built to withstand a plane crashing into them.

J-SMITH69 09-15-2007 03:58 AM

Re: "Terrorism" predictions.
probably because it sounds like explosions when buildings collapse.

N1ghtM0nkey 09-15-2007 06:16 AM

Re: "Terrorism" predictions.
These conspiracy theorists are funny.

I'm curious, perhaps you master theorists can help me out here. I just want to know what you think.

Why would the government orchestrate the 9/11 attacks?

What did they have to gain by killing 3000+ innocent citizens?

If all of this is a conspiracy theory, why hasn't anything except internet speculation been done about it?

Isn't it kind of hard to hide these types of things from billions of people across the world, some that saw what happened with their own eyes?

If it wasn't a plane that hit the Pentagon, and it wasn't a plane that crashed into a field...what happened to the people that were on the supposed destroyed planes?

And also if you claim there was positive identification of bodies at the Pentagon....doesn't that mean case closed for conspiracies since people on that flight were at the Pentagon?

If it wasn't an American Airlines plane that hit the Pentagon...why was there at least SOME wreckage there that was from the plane?

If those planes didn't go down, where are the people now and how much are they being paid to hide there, and by who?

And lastly...you can sit here and argue all day that it's a conspiracy and it wasn't the planes that the government said it was that hit the buildings, but that's all you've got. All you can "prove" or at least try to prove is exactly that. I've seen plenty of these videos and some of them have compelling evidence, but none of them ever answer WHY - why would the government orchestrate somethign like this. Can you tell me?

N1ghtM0nkey 09-15-2007 06:18 AM

Re: "Terrorism" predictions.

Originally Posted by AWDstylez
Because idiots like you are too busy calling me a communist and talking ---- to realize that I said I was voting for Ron Paul too, dumbass. ::)

Originally Posted by AWDstylez

Mentally? Way older than you.

Hmmm....and when is your birthday?

signorelli21 09-15-2007 07:55 AM

Re: "Terrorism" predictions.

Originally Posted by n1ghtm0nkey

And lastly...you can sit here and argue all day that it's a conspiracy and it wasn't the planes that the government said it was that hit the buildings, but that's all you've got. All you can "prove" or at least try to prove is exactly that. I've seen plenty of these videos and some of them have compelling evidence, but none of them ever answer WHY - why would the government orchestrate somethign like this. Can you tell me?

Nothing can be proved because all the actual evidence is locked away at a hanger in JFK airport, all requests for documents or video tapes are either denied outright or blacked out so badly that the information gained is worthless, but that does not make the official account of what happened any more accurate or plausable.

I think it is funny how people always try and turn things around and ask what the government has to gain and how would they pull this off, bla bla bla. all they had to do was look away and if you actually read any of the official accounts of what happened that day, thats exactly what they did, Mohammad Atta was a known terrorist and so were most of the other hijackers, the cia had been following him around for years prior to sept 11 and the 911 commission stated that they tracked him into the us, suspecting him to be plotting some kind of attack. While at the airport all 4 groups of hijackers were flagged by airport security for additional screening, one of the airport screeners flagged a group (in boston i believe) because she said the men seemed suspicious and did not speak any english and would not follow basic instructions, and yet all of them were allowed on the planes.

This ---- isn't new by the way, look at all the wars the us has been involved in the last century and look at how they started, WW! with the sinking of the Lusitania which was carrying supplies to help the british ( it was told to be a passenger ship but in reality was fitted with mounts for guns on if needed later, this was a secret to everyone except the germans) people were warned not to travel to Great Britain because the germans warned that they would sink any ship that tried to aid them, yet they did it anyway, two years later wilson declared that we needed to make the world safe for democracy.

WW2 began because of the attack on pearl harbor, there were quite a few reports that this was coming yet all these reports were ignored.

The Korean war seemed inevitable because both sides wanted to reunite the country under their own system, oddly 5 days before the north invaded the south secretary of state dean atchusen said that no such war was likely.

Vietnam was started because of the gulf of tonkin incident which we now know was entirely faked by the cia to give an excuse for the U.S to get into the war. http://www.gwu.edu/~nsarchiv/NSAEBB/NSAEBB132/ this is important because the people who are now in charge were all aids during this time, and vietnam is strikingly similar to the war in iraq.

Anyway the problem with people who beleive the official account is the fact that almost none of them have actually read the official account, or the reports that it sights for reference in proving its claims.

N1ghtM0nkey 09-15-2007 08:16 AM

Re: "Terrorism" predictions.

Originally Posted by signorelli21
Nothing can be proved because all the actual evidence is locked away at a hanger in JFK airport, all requests for documents or video tapes are either denied outright or blacked out so badly that the information gained is worthless, but that does not make the official account of what happened any more accurate or plausable.

I think it is funny how people always try and turn things around and ask what the government has to gain and how would they pull this off, bla bla bla. all they had to do was look away and if you actually read any of the official accounts of what happened that day, thats exactly what they did, Mohammad Atta was a known terrorist and so were most of the other hijackers, the cia had been following him around for years prior to sept 11 and the 911 commission stated that they tracked him into the us, suspecting him to be plotting some kind of attack. While at the airport all 4 groups of hijackers were flagged by airport security for additional screening, one of the airport screeners flagged a group (in boston i believe) because she said the men seemed suspicious and did not speak any english and would not follow basic instructions, and yet all of them were allowed on the planes.

How is it funny when people turn things around and ask what the government has to gain and how would they pull it off?

Are those not valid questions or am I just missing the point?

You didn't answer my question. How hard is it really to just give me a straight answer other than tell me that it's funny when I ask these questions?

So you guys come to these conclusions and say "haha we did it...we proved the government was behind it because....well......well because they're evil!"

All the theorists in this thread also chose to ignore buk's pictures which clearly depict the same kind of crash as the pentagon. But let's not get into that, just answer my questions instead of simply calling them funny questions.

Racintweek 09-15-2007 08:53 AM

Re: "Terrorism" predictions.

Originally Posted by n1ghtm0nkey
These conspiracy theorists are funny.

I'm curious, perhaps you master theorists can help me out here. I just want to know what you think.

Why would the government orchestrate the 9/11 attacks?

the same reason other governments have staged attacks, a reason for war/control

What did they have to gain by killing 3000+ innocent citizens?

to make sure war/control actually happens

If all of this is a conspiracy theory, why hasn't anything except internet speculation been done about it?

because our government(of the people, by the people) wont give any real info to the people

Isn't it kind of hard to hide these types of things from billions of people across the world, some that saw what happened with their own eyes?

mass media

If it wasn't a plane that hit the Pentagon, and it wasn't a plane that crashed into a field...what happened to the people that were on the supposed destroyed planes?

you think planes did crash there, you say it happened prove it

And also if you claim there was positive identification of bodies at the Pentagon....doesn't that mean case closed for conspiracies since people on that flight were at the Pentagon?

that means the governments claim of a plane vaporizing is bogus and other theories should be investigated

If it wasn't an American Airlines plane that hit the Pentagon...why was there at least SOME wreckage there that was from the plane?

how did a plane vaporize but people and parts are still found

If those planes didn't go down, where are the people now and how much are they being paid to hide there, and by who?

maybe you should ask our government............nevermind they dont liike to answer people requests for public info

And lastly...you can sit here and argue all day that it's a conspiracy and it wasn't the planes that the government said it was that hit the buildings, but that's all you've got. All you can "prove" or at least try to prove is exactly that. I've seen plenty of these videos and some of them have compelling evidence, but none of them ever answer WHY - why would the government orchestrate somethign like this. Can you tell me?

in our government(and many others around the world) when someone makes a claim they have to prove it for it to be taken as truth. why is it when people as legitimate question or state real facts they are the ones on trial??

N1ghtM0nkey 09-15-2007 10:03 AM

Re: "Terrorism" predictions.

Originally Posted by Racintweek
the same reason other governments have staged attacks, a reason for war/control

to make sure war/control actually happens

because our government(of the people, by the people) wont give any real info to the people

mass media

If it wasn't a plane that hit the Pentagon, and it wasn't a plane that crashed into a field...what happened to the people that were on the supposed destroyed planes?

you think planes did crash there, you say it happened prove it

And also if you claim there was positive identification of bodies at the Pentagon....doesn't that mean case closed for conspiracies since people on that flight were at the Pentagon?

that means the governments claim of a plane vaporizing is bogus and other theories should be investigated

If it wasn't an American Airlines plane that hit the Pentagon...why was there at least SOME wreckage there that was from the plane?

how did a plane vaporize but people and parts are still found

If those planes didn't go down, where are the people now and how much are they being paid to hide there, and by who?

maybe you should ask our government............nevermind they dont liike to answer people requests for public info

First off, you didn't answer any of my questions.

Okay so let's assume the government orchestrated 9/11 for a reason to go to war. Why? Why would the government like to do that?

And better yet how does planning to kill 3000+ innocent citizens happen? Does the president just wake up one morning and decide he wants to go to war? Your claim of the government wanting to go to war is bullshit unless you can show me something definitive that would make the cost of the war worth it.

You already got the info from people who were there and news media, the reason you're not getting any more info is because it doesn't exist.

Yes, mass media is also another reason why it's hard / impossible to hide conspiracies with billions of people across the globe watching.

Okay so if it wasn't planes that crashed there, what happened to the missing flights? And if it wasn't planes that crashed there why is there supposedly human remains inside the Pentagon?

I don't recall the government actually saying anything about vaporizing, that was limited to this thread as far as I know, but again you dodged the question. Why do other theories need to be investigated if they have positively identified a body inside the pentagon, the body of somebody who was on that flight? Does that not beyond a shadow of a doubt prove that the plane hit the Pentagon?

Again with the vaporizing thing, you still try to dodge this one but you admit to people and parts of the plane being found...that's pretty much the nail in the coffin of your conspiracy theory.

Maybe I should ask the government? No, I'm asking you guys. You guys are the experts of all that is 9/11 conspiracy, you know everything about thermal dynamics, you know everything about the physics of the crash - you're all experts so tell me where the people are if the planes didn't crash into the buildings and it was all a hoax to get us to go to war for....err....why did we go to war if it wasn't to combat terrorism?

signorelli21 09-15-2007 10:06 AM

Re: "Terrorism" predictions.
It was funny to me because I can't believe that was a serious question, ok so what does our government have to gain?

First you should realize that its not really the government but rather industry that has a controlling share in the government known as the military industrial complex, which is comprised of mainly weapons manufacturers such as lockeed martin, northrop grumman, and various other contracting companies such as blackwater, haliburton, etc.

Basically there are influential people in the government that wanted saddam out of iraq after the initial gulf war but it was always felt that the cost for such a manuveure was higher than Americans were willing to pay, Paul Wolfowitz wrote about this and said that we needed a great catastrophe to unite the country against the middle east and support regime change in iraq. Ron paul actually gave a speech in 1998 where he advised the us not to go into iraq because it would result in an endless war and be a huge cost to taxpayers. http://www.house.gov/paul/press/press98/pr021298.htm

Anyway to answer your question, what does the government actually gain? MONEY!!

Whats the first thing that happens when we go to war? we draw up a a war spending bill that outlines how much money we will need and who gets how much, and since its wartime this is never really scrutinized by congress like all other spending bills so they ( they being the people getting us into the war) get all the money and more then they want.

I mean look at all the companies making money in iraq right now and how many of them are ripping off the system, I read an article a few weeks ago where a shipping company was in trouble for fraud because they were charging the government 400,000 dollars to ship a 29 cent bolt, and they did this alot because theres a loophole in the law that automatically pays shipping on anything headed to iraq and noone really bothers to look at it.

Dick cheney has 433,333 shares of stock in a company called Halliburton which was awarded a 1.7 billion dollar open ended contract for work in Iraq without bidding against competing companies, Paul Wolfowitz was appointed head of the world bank in march of 05, and heres a nice article on the top ten worst war profiteers :

They also lost 9 billion dollars and have no idea where it went, lol. still wondering what they have to gain?

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