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J-SMITH69 11-12-2008 03:49 PM

Re: good bye to your rights
obongo to further socialize health care. 75 billion first year. 1 trillion spent by 2018. obongo's plan to completely socialize health care, by making companies further dependent on the fed govt paying for people without jobs/insurance.

Obongo and other socialists use "financial crisis" as excuse to socialize health care. govt creates the problem, and many other unintended problems, then creates more problems solving them! horray for king obongo.

Govt mandates drive up the price and lower the quality! Hope you're happy & healthy!

Ron Paul health care

"Unless costs are cut, growing health care costs will increase the costs of Obama's plan dramatically over time and reduce the effectiveness of mandates. This could make the federal costs unsustainably high," the report read.

"The plan would increase to $1 trillion cumulatively by 2018 or approximately $130 billion per year," the report said.

"Because of the deficit and financial crisis, there's unlikely to be any new federal money available, so health reform may require reallocation of dollars already in the health system."

"Obama's proposal is likely to increase revenues but lower margins for providers, pharmaceutical companies and health plans that increasingly depend on government payment," the report read.

"The financial crisis and culminating market forces could accelerate health reform, not be a roadblock," the report read.

J-SMITH69 11-12-2008 04:20 PM

Re: good bye to your rights

Bailout Price Tag: $3.5T So Far, But 'Real' Cost May Be Much Higher

Tallying up the "true" cost of the bailout is difficult, and won't be known for months if not years. But considering $3.5 trillion is about 25% of the U.S. economy ($13.8 trillion in 2007) and the U.S. deficit may hit $1 trillion in fiscal 2009, hyperinflation and/or sharply higher interest rates seem likely outcomes down the road.

the end is coming LOL!!

get yourself a rifle and some ammo

90dx 11-12-2008 04:41 PM

Re: good bye to your rights
So Johnny could you explain to me how the goverment intervention caused the current economic meltdown?Im not starting a argument I would just like to know your theory.

J-SMITH69 11-12-2008 04:58 PM

Re: good bye to your rights

Originally Posted by 90dx
So Johnny could you explain to me how the goverment intervention caused the current economic meltdown?Im not starting a argument I would just like to know your theory.

the biggest reason is the federal reserve loaning out money they printed out of thin air to banks that then loaned the newly minted money out to people that couldn't afford the houses they are buying.

then socialized institutions like fanny mae and freddie mac buy those loans, because it doesn't matter if they are shitty or not its the federal government they'll just print the money or add to the dept. and on top of that during the klinton admin laws were passe and policies were enacted that forced federally backed and funded "companies" like fanny mae and freddie mac to specifically give out loans or buy loans from poor people so they could buy houses. people they knew were very likely to default on their loan.

housing prices artificially skyrocket because houses are extremely easy to buy, companies start collapsing because a lot of people are not paying their mortgage, they can't borrow any more money and no one will buy the bad loans from them (well now the federal government will. aka you and me *the bailout*)

private banks are forced to try to compete by giving out bad loans, plus they think the since prices always go up even if the person defaults on the loan they'll still have a valuable asset they can simply sell for more than they did previously.

does anyone really believe a 1000sqft shitbox in kalifornia is worth 500k.

if private companies were forced to do business and succeed or fail without government meddling there wouldn't be any problems. They would give loans to people who could afford it and were likely to be able to pay the loan back. Since the government mandates so many things, and creates socialized companies that give out loans to anyone because they are federally backed and it doesn't matter if freddie or fanny lose money or not (unlimited amounts of money when you are the one printing it) it drives up the price, lowers the quality of the loans. just like it does with education, health care, basically anything that is socialized.

this is rather simplified but i'm not going to write an essay about it you can search google and find out more detailed explanation on the "meltdown"

J-SMITH69 11-12-2008 05:28 PM

Re: good bye to your rights
illinois and chicago. hell holes of tyranny. is this obongos plan for america?

I regret to inform everyone that there have been more arrests of law-abiding gun owners in Illinois the past two months.

One victim (a law-abiding GOOD GUY) is a handicapped man from Chicago. Chris Morley has cerebral palsy, walks with a cane, and has carried his unloaded pistol in a case for nearly a decade. He has used it to prevent at least 3 violent attacks. However, when he wasn't feeling well at work one day, his employer went through his personal belongings, found the pistol, and called the police. Morley is now being prosecuted as a criminal for owning and carrying a pistol ACCORDING TO ILLINOIS STATE LAW.

Another victim gun-owner shall remain nameless, but the young woman and Iraq war veteran was arrested on her way to a shooting range up in Wisconsin. She didn't quite make it over the border and she was pulled over, harassed, searched without cause, and then subsequently arrested for having an unloaded pistol in a case at the bottom of a bunch of junk in her rear storage area.

I get these calls on nearly a monthly basis. Calls, emails, and even one instant message. I'm so tired of hearing horror stories that I've decided to do something about it. Well, that and the fact that I have lived through horror stories myself and been persecuted for owning and carrying guns. Well, there's a way to put a stop to it.

J-SMITH69 11-12-2008 05:31 PM

Re: good bye to your rights
obongo's chicago. criminals have special protection, defend yourself or your business and go to prison. while "good kids" just released from prison rob defenseless people.

obongo's plan for america?


Dead robber's mom: Shooting not right WAUKEGAN | Thief killed as he tried to get away on bicycle
October 16, 2008
BY DAN ROZEK Staff Reporter Brandon Starks' mother tearfully condemned the shooting that took his life after he robbed a Waukegan grocery store, questioning why the store clerk who shot him outside the business didn't instead call police.
"If you had time to run out of the store, you had time to call the police," Veda Starks said Wednesday, standing outside the family's North Chicago home.
The 20-year-old Starks -- a convicted burglar paroled from prison less than a month ago -- was shot to death by a store clerk Monday night as he fled the People's Market after robbing the store with a chrome-plated pellet gun.
While questioning the clerk's actions, she didn't condone her son's behavior.
"I don't excuse what he did," she said, even as she described him as a "sweet person" who was trying to straighten out his life following his Sept. 19 release from prison.
Authorities on Wednesday released new details of the shooting, including disclosing that the clerk fired seven shots at Starks as he tried to escape after the holdup on a bicycle.
Starks -- struck by two bullets -- appeared to be facing away from the clerk when he was hit by the fatal shot, Lake County Coroner Dr. Richard Keller said.
That could be a crucial factor in determining if the store clerk -- whom police haven't identified -- may face criminal charges, legal experts said as authorities continued investigating the holdup and shooting.
It could take Lake County prosecutors several weeks to review the evidence and determine whether charges should be filed, Assistant State's Attorney Stephen Scheller said.
"You don't have the right to use lethal force once the threat has passed," said Leonard Cavise, a law professor at DePaul University.
But the store's owner, who didn't want to identified, said: "It was self-defense. We got robbed at gunpoint."
Much of the shooting was captured by several security cameras, police said. Police are still looking for a second man they believe aided Starks, but didn't enter the store.
the people's market!!! lol we accept WIC lmao. ---- HOLE

rudebwoy 11-12-2008 06:15 PM

Re: good bye to your rights
I like corn

catch.can 11-12-2008 07:14 PM

Re: good bye to your rights

Originally Posted by rudebwoy
I like corn

Do you like corn?

salesmonkey 11-12-2008 07:44 PM

Re: good bye to your rights

Originally Posted by random-strike
Johnny Bliss's Best Friend Obama to further socialize health care. 75 billion first year. 1 trillion spent by 2018. Johnny Bliss's Best Friend Obama's plan to completely socialize health care, by making companies further dependent on the fed govt paying for people without jobs/insurance.

Johnny Bliss's Best Friend Obama and other socialists use "financial crisis" as excuse to socialize health care. govt creates the problem, and many other unintended problems, then creates more problems solving them! horray for king Johnny Bliss's Best Friend Obama.

Govt mandates drive up the price and lower the quality! Hope you're happy & healthy!

Ron Paul health care

im still pissed ron paul didnt make it, just stupid someone so level headed gets stomped on by the american people. even though he had plenty of people backing him up its a losing battle because people still think hes crazy...

why the ---- would people vote for someone for socialized health care one of the big reasons we make fun of Canada and the taxes they pay...

only the future will show what obama will do and how it will effect america and the people. damn hippies

why would you settle for corn when you can have pie? answere that question

catch.can 11-12-2008 07:44 PM

Re: good bye to your rights

salesmonkey 11-12-2008 07:54 PM

Re: good bye to your rights
i choose chocolate pie


catch.can 11-12-2008 08:00 PM

Re: good bye to your rights

Originally Posted by salesmonkey

JD loves the cack

were you trying to say ok?

jinxy 11-12-2008 08:20 PM

Re: good bye to your rights
Obongo now = Johnny Bliss's Best Friend Obama


Chris Harris 11-12-2008 08:22 PM

Re: good bye to your rights

Originally Posted by rawr
Obongo now = Johnny Bliss's Best Friend Obama


Shhh...you werent supposed to tell him :)

MustangC. 11-12-2008 08:26 PM

Re: good bye to your rights

Originally Posted by xenocron
Shhh...you werent supposed to tell him :)

so what other word filters have you set up?



Chris Harris 11-12-2008 08:29 PM

Re: good bye to your rights

Originally Posted by CoreyR
so what other word filters have you set up?

Johnny Bliss's Best Friend Obama

JD loves the cack

I was having a little fun today...

J-SMITH69 11-12-2008 08:31 PM

Re: good bye to your rights

democrats urge "federal stake" in big auto companies.

socialize the auto industry too!

Legislation being drafted by Rep. Barney Frank, chairman of the House Financial Services Committee, and Sen. Carl M. Levin, D-Mich., would dip into the $700 billion Wall Street rescue money, approved by Congress last month, for the auto aid.
braney frank the disgusting homosexual socialist boy loving piece of ---- that created failed fannie mae and freddie mac

MustangC. 11-12-2008 08:34 PM

Re: good bye to your rights
they are just giving the big 3 money for a bailout. im pretty sure aside from mitsushitsi that GM, ford and chrysler/dodge are the only ones int he shitter. im about to buy stock in ford because if they get bailed out that ---- will shoot right up, and they are down to under 2 buck a share.

J-SMITH69 11-12-2008 08:35 PM

Re: good bye to your rights

Originally Posted by CoreyR
they are just giving the big 3 money for a bailout. im pretty sure aside from mitsushitsi that GM, ford and chrysler/dodge are the only ones int he shitter. im about to buy stock in ford because if they get bailed out that ---- will shoot right up, and they are down to under 2 buck a share.

did you read the article? they will give them money in trade for a stake in the company(s)

salesmonkey 11-12-2008 08:36 PM

Re: good bye to your rights

Originally Posted by hatchboy
were you trying to say ok?

yes i was trying to say o k


MustangC. 11-12-2008 08:36 PM

Re: good bye to your rights

Originally Posted by random-strike
did you read the article? they will give them money in trade for a stake in the company(s)

i didnt read it, no. no suprise they want thier hands in that.

catch.can 11-12-2008 08:37 PM

Re: good bye to your rights
why the ---- are we bailing people out of ----.wtf.
you ---- up.. you pay the price.
business is business.

i don''t go start some gay business, fail, and the gov. isn't going to bail my ass out.

---- these big named main stream company's.
how does bailing out big auto company's benefit the people?

Originally Posted by salesmonkey
yes i was trying to say o k

you mean... ok

J-SMITH69 11-12-2008 08:39 PM

Re: good bye to your rights
it doesn't. it benefits the federal government. which wants to take completel control away from the states and the people.

socialism is the goal. if not a communist dictatorship

catch.can 11-12-2008 08:42 PM

Re: good bye to your rights
gay ok

TorganFM 11-12-2008 09:39 PM

Re: good bye to your rights

Originally Posted by random-strike
communist dictatorship

lulz and you say liberals are guilty of conspiracy theorizing

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