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buk9tp 04-10-2006 11:41 PM

anyone know an optometrist?
i got a question and i dont have the money to go see one :-\

my pupils are always dilated.. and i dont do drugs..

someone told me imma be blind before im 40.. is this true :-\

my pupils are always big.. so big that everyone arround me notices em :-[

my vision is better than perfect...

88dx 04-10-2006 11:52 PM

Re: anyone know an optometrist?
yeah your fucked unless you go weld for 2 hours straight without a helmet on ;)

beaker 04-10-2006 11:54 PM

Re: anyone know an optometrist?
well, i know your on the computer a ---- load of the time right? that has a lot to do with it, especially if u have a laptop or flatscreen. your eyes will ---- up.

oh and quit beatin off

buk9tp 04-11-2006 12:00 AM

Re: anyone know an optometrist?
u make a good point :-\

but im not online as often as u think i am :P

beaker 04-11-2006 12:04 AM

Re: anyone know an optometrist?
how much would u say ur online, is this something new or have u had this problem for a while

back when my life was the computer i had perfect vision. i sold my computer when i couldnt read what my teacher was writting on teh board in H.S. dont wear glasses all the time, but when i need to read something across the room i need em.

its either that, or a hereditary trait.....im leanin towards the computer screen.

lcd and plasma tvs have the same effect, no matter how far u sit back

buk9tp 04-11-2006 12:17 AM

Re: anyone know an optometrist?
lol.. i think its been a year.. but im not sure.. its not really a problem cause it doesnt effect me other than the fact that everyone i talk to thinks im on drugs :P

im online 6 hours a day on and off :'(

and even tho i own an lcd.. im rarely on it.. im on a regular desktop most of the time...

and for xbox 360 i use a projector...

R-MAK 04-11-2006 12:17 AM

Re: anyone know an optometrist?
must be the c4 thats making your eyes like that, id switch from bomb jackets to car bombs

Xgenturbo 04-11-2006 12:24 AM

Re: anyone know an optometrist?

Originally Posted by dtrain
well, i know your on the computer a ---- load of the time right? that has a lot to do with it, especially if u have a laptop or flatscreen. your eyes will ---- up.

oh and quit beatin off

You my friend are a ------- fruitcake.

LCD screens dont hurt your vision, only projection monitors do, such as a regular monitor. this is why I switched to LCD because I dont have the best vision, never did never will, and I dont want to mess up my eyes anymore, so my optomatrist told me to cut down on watching TV and possibly getting an LCD monitor.

Edit: Buk, your vision is like that because the sights on AK47's are really small and its hard to pinpoint American soldiers in the desert if you dont have eyes like a hawk :P

beaker 04-11-2006 12:30 AM

Re: anyone know an optometrist?
dude, i sold tvs for 3 years, i couldnt even glance at those tvs while at work. i do know what im talking about

you taking electronics advice from a doctor is like having a mechanic tell you what kind of curtains you should have in your house.

Xgenturbo 04-11-2006 12:38 AM

Re: anyone know an optometrist?

Originally Posted by dtrain
dude, i sold tvs for 3 years, i couldnt even glance at those tvs while at work. i do know what im talking about

you taking electronics advice from a doctor is like having a mechanic tell you what kind of curtains you should have in your house.

So youre going against the words of a trained professional such as an optomatrist who went through 8 or more years of university, has a PHD or the equivalent and has studied countless cases like this throught his entire life? lol, okay whatever floats your boat man, but like I said, all an LCD is is a backlit Liquid Crystal Diode that gives off no radiation and no projection of light directly in to the eyes, I have been using LCD for years now and have not noticed any loss of vision, and I go to my optomatrist once every 6-10 months.

Eye Ergonomics

The digital flat panel monitors are also called "soft" screens, since their images seems to have a "softer" quality than those from traditional CRT monitors. The image does not flicker thus causing less eye strain.

People, like myself, who have become accustomed to these soft images will not return to the traditional monitors. I cannot express this with enough emphasis: The flat display is the best monitor available. It is so good to your eyes!

Modern research has shown that a steadily illuminated screen image is a very important element in a good work environment. The eye responds to all light impressions, and the brain interprets all light impressions continually. When a mediocre monitor flickers, the brain will continually receive superfluous light impressions "noise" to sort out. Thus the brain works permanent overtime interpreting the screen flicker. No wonder that people get tired from watching their monitors.

At the same time the LCD screen is by far the most environmentally safe product. These flat screens emit zero radiation, and they consume significantly less power than the traditional monitors. Another reason to expect LCD screens to become the monitors of the future.
No refresh rate
A big advantage in the LCD screen is that it does not flicker. Traditional CRT monitors flicker all the time which is not ideal. Of course the best CRT monitors have a high refresh rate (85 Hz or more), which provides a very stable image with no noticeable flicker. But the LCD screen does not flicker at all (when digitally connected). They have a refresh rate of 0 Hz!

Please notice that looking at LCD displays, you may read information like:

# Pixel Frequency 65MHz
# Horizontal 30 ~ 50KHz
# Vertical: 55 ~ 70Hz

This indicates that there is a refresh rate. There is, but it is only working when the screen image is changing. So if you move a window across the screen, the changes will be updated with a refresh rate of 60 Hz or what ever you choose.

To many users this does not really matter; using Office programs, most of the time the screen image does not change, hence it does not flicker. Obviously it is a problem if you expect to use your flat panel monitor to show full motion videos or games.

End of story.

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